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Wife nominated her husband as Ballsiest Man of the Year [wins trip to Cayman]

By William K. Alcorn From YOUNGSTOWN Christmas came early for Chelsea and Randy Musselman, former Youngstown- area residents, now a military family stationed with the Army at Fort Carson, Colo. Chelsea and Randy recently learned they won a seven-day…

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Hands off! Don’t touch the pregnant woman’s belly

By Robin Marty From Care2 No one would ever consider placing a hand on the stomach of another man or woman without permission under normal circumstances. Yet for many people, a visibly pregnant woman is often seen as an open…

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US swimmer Diana Nyad, 64, makes historic Cuba-Florida crossing

From BBC Diana Nyad: “You are never too old to chase your dreams” Endurance swimmer Diana Nyad has become the first person to swim from Cuba to the US without a shark cage. After about 53 hours’ non-stop swimming, the…

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Angelina Jolie’s aunt dies of breast cancer

From BBC Angelina Jolie’s aunt has died of breast cancer, nearly two weeks after the Hollywood star said she had had a double mastectomy to avoid such a fate. Debbie Martin passed away at the Palomar Medical Centre in Escondido…

Former NS MLA and Ex-House Speaker Edna Moyle passes away

It was with shock and sadness to learn of the passing of former Cayman Islands Speaker of the House and North Side MLA Edna Moyle. Mrs Moyle had been battling with cancer for some years. Family members have confirmed that…