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Internet Safety Guide for Kids

FROM PRIVACY HUB As a resource, the internet is a wonderful place for children to learn, explore ideas, and express themselves creatively. The internet is also key in a child’s social development, helping to strengthen communication skills, for example when…

Why invest in corporate video production? 7 key advantages

There has never been a more exciting time to invest in corporate video production. Whether your audience is internal or external, video offers unique opportunities like no other medium on the market. If this is something your business has never…

DG16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions in Island Communities 

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 16 is “dedicated to the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, the provision of access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.”   SDG16 is crucial to the diverse island…

Cayman: Haines and Burcombe to tackle ‘Hardest Trek in Europe’

Derek & Mike arrived in Corsica on 5th June to spectacular scenery and hot weather, and signs of snow at the top of the mountains they’d be trekking across. They spent the day getting acclimated, packing their kit, and hearing…

Cayman: RCIPS Calls for Cessation of Harmful Content on Social Media

From RCIPS The RCIPS is aware of a video that has been posted to social media that includes explicit and harmful content including claims of sexual assault. Police are investigating this incident, and have identified the individual responsible.  Police are…

EB 3 7PM EST: Launch of the Black World Media Network (BWMN) –  24×7 audio and video streaming and on-demand media network.

Black World Media Network (BWMN)  Launches Feb 3 2022 Connecting our Black World. 24×7 audio and video streaming and on-demand media network. Join us for the premiere and live discussion. Join us on Zoom: Feb 3, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time …

The most innovative startup of the year! TOKHIT, the first social network based on gaming and blockchain, revalued at $ 155 million. How to “token” brands and pay users for the content they create

Get ready for 22.02.2022! Total freedom of expression, automated financial rewards for users, investments in unique digital creations, NFTs, the absence of advertisements and, at the same time, a new infrastructure for creative collaborations with brands: this is the vision of Social Media with which TOKHITfounders, CEO Andrei…

Caribbean News Editors Choice Elderly Events iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News News

Cayman: Older Persons Month Seniors ride Social Media wave

Grand Cayman, 27 October 2021 – The ‘How to Use Social Media’ training session, on Monday, 25 October 2021, taught attendees how to “upload pictures to Whatsapp, online shop, and how to sign up and use Instagram and Pinterest. One of…

Caribbean News Events iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iWorld News News

Cayman: Premier responds to legal opinion issued by CPR – [Part of legal opinion follows]

From The Office of the Premier The Cayman Port Referendum (CPR) group on Saturday issued a legal opinion to the media. Responding to this Legal Opinion Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin said “The Government has taken legal advice on the conduct…

Caribbean News Editors Choice Events iBusiness iCommunity iEntertainment iLocal News iNotices iTech News

Cayman: CIGTV collaborates with Compass to share their content

George Town, Grand Cayman – The Cayman Islands Government TV (CIGTV) has come to an agreement with the Cayman Compass to share community based news content. Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin said “I’m very happy that an agreement has been reached…