
iLocal News Archives


1M species face extinction

One million species threatened with extinction because of humans By Isabelle Gerretsen From CNN Story highlights The landmark UN report paints a bleak picture of a planet ravaged by an ever-growing human population. “We should act now to avoid a…

At Baltimore’s National Aquarium, climate change presents challenges inside and out

By LOURDES GARCIA-NAVARRO & DANA CRONIN Three years ago, the National Aquarium in Baltimore made a big announcement. After a public backlash against marine animal parks brought on by the documentary Blackfish, the aquarium decided to move its prized pod of…

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Malaysia destroys four tons of ivory as warning to poachers

From WN Malaysia incinerated nearly four tons of elephant tusks and ivory products as the government tries to increase the punishments facing smugglers using the country as a conduit to China and across Asia on Tuesday, according to The Star. Conservationists said…

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Licence to krill: why the US navy trains whales, dolphins and sea lions

By Lauren Aratani From The Guardian UK The US navy has trained dolphins and sea lions since the Vietnam war – ‘technology is no match for the animals’ for certain missions A beluga whale was found off the coast of…

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Are robot therapy dogs as effective as the real thing?

By Laura Goldman From Care2 As her Alzheimer’s disease progressed, Nancy Stevens was no longer able to care for her beloved Goldendoodle, Golden Bear. She was distraught when the dog had to be taken away from her and re-homed with family friends….

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‘Amazing Race’ promotes riding elephants to its millions of viewers

By Laura Goldman From Care2 During the episode of “The Amazing Race” that aired on CBS April 24, contestants had toride Asian elephants across a river in Laos to reach their next destination. “The Elephant Conservation Centre is funded by ecotourism, providing a…

Animals Caribbean News Editors Choice Events iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News News

Four sharks found dead in Cayman Islands waters since February

Three others injured, DoE reminds public of species protections Four sharks have been found dead in Cayman Islands waters since 27 February, according to reports investigated and confirmed by the Department of Environment’s (DoE) shark research team, Shark Conservation Cayman….

Animals Caribbean News Events iBusiness iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

This resort is on a mission to save endangered fish in the Caribbean

By Emma Sarran Webster From Mic Grab a snorkel or scuba gear, head under the surface of theCaribbean, and you’re bound to catch a glimpse of the sea’s vast biodiversity. After all, according to the Caribbean Challenge Initiative, the Caribbean is home to 1,400…

Animals Events iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Where have Halley Bay’s Emperor Penguins gone?

By Steve Williams From Care2 Satellite data shows that a major emperor penguin breeding ground at Halley Bay, located on the Brunt Ice Shelf in the Antarctic, is now virtually deserted. What happened, and will the emperor penguins return? Publishing in…

Study tracks ‘sky pirates’

Seabird study tracks ‘sky pirates’ through British Caribbean Overseas Territories An international effort aimed at tracking some of the Caribbean region’s most important avian predators is under way, thanks to a newly obtained U.K. Darwin grant provided by the Department…