
iLocal News Archives

Day: August 22, 2018

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OECS animators attend Boot Camp workshop in Saint Lucia

The Saint Lucia Coalition of Service Industries (SLCSI) and Export Saint Lucia host industry-leading animation training Wednesday, August 22, 2018 — The marriage of creativity and skill was the focus of the 5-day OECS Animation Boot Camp hosted by the…

Animals iCommunity iCrime iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Indiana animal shelter employee claims she was told to euthanize kittens in a FREEZER rather than take them to a vet

By RORY TINGLE From  DAILY MAIL UK Bridget Woodson said her boss twice instructed her to put sick cats in freezer When she complained Christina Payne said it was ‘no less humane’ that the vet Spencer County Animal Shelter is…

Caribbean News Events iBusiness iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iTravel iWorld News Manager's Choice News

St. Kitts welcomes Wednesday Peak Season Service from United Airlines

United Introduces Mid-Week Nonstop Flights to Island from New York/Newark Wednesday, August 22, 2018 — Basseterre, St. Kitts – For the first time in the island’s history, United Airlines will fly a second weekly nonstop flight from its New York hub at…

Events iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

UK Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn attended conference with senior Hamas

BY JULIANE HELMHOLD From Jerusalem Post Besides Badran, participants of the conference included former Hamas Politburo Chief Khaled Mashaal and Abdul Aziz Omar who was sentenced to seven life sentences. Labour leader Corbyn photographed laying wreath for Munich terrorists Jeremy…

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Tourism Matters: We live in hope!

By Adrian Loveridge From Caribbean News Now Having watched the recently filmed interview with the new Minister of Tourism and International Transport in its entirety, where he concluded that our cruise sector is in “a state of deep crisis”, frankly…

Editors Choice iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News News

Engineering Earth’s climate might quell global warming, but it could come with a cost

BY MARK KAUFMAN When Mount Pinatubo violently erupted in 1991, the volcano blasted millions of tons of gas well over 20 miles into Earth’s atmosphere. After condensing into little droplets, the particles reflected sunlight back into space and cooled the…

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Cayman Islands National Tourism Plan seeks public consultation

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, 22 August 2018 – The Ministry and Department of Tourism want to hear from you on the draft National Tourism Plan (NTP) 2018-2023. As outlined during the community meetings held in February and March of this…

Events iCommunity iCrime iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

UN says Myanmar denying ‘Effective Access’ to Rakhine State after Rohingya crisis

From WN The United Nations said they were still waiting for “effective access” to the Rakhine state in Myanmar on Tuesday after more than 700,000 Rohingya Muslims were forced from their homes during a brutal army crackdown, according to Reuters….

Editors Choice iBusiness iListen iLocal News iWorld News News

SoundCloud on the blockchain? Audius raises $5.5M to decentralize music

By Josh Constine From TechCrunch Audius wants to cut the middlemen out of music streaming so artists get paid their fair share. Coming out of stealth today led by serial entrepreneur and DJ Ranidu Lankage, Audius is building a blockchain-based…

Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iWorld News News

Strike fear into the hearts of hackers with this online class

BY TEAM COMMERCEMASHABLE DEALS From Mashable To beat a hacker, you must become a hacker. That’s what ethical hacking is all about: you learn the tricks and tools that cyber-criminals use to infiltrate the networks of major institutions, use that…