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The Editor Speaks: Congratulations

Colin WilsonwebInstead of a negative editorial this morning on how disappointed I am in the verbal and hardly inspired and mainly untruthful attacks on the Government’s proposed National Conservation Bill, I can say with some relief – “CONGRATULATIONS”!!!

Congratulations to the whole house in unanimously saying “YES”.

If you are superstitious Friday 13 is not a good day. However …..

The Progressives (PPM) Environment Minister, Wayne Panton on Friday (13) evening managed to get the National Conservation Law through the Legislative Assembly with full support from across the floor!

The debate lasted three days and the opposition including the two independent members attacked it but when it came to the vote they all said ‘yes’.

What a nice surprise I received last night when I learnt the news.

The law that will, for the first time, give legal protection to Cayman’s unique and diverse land-based and marine-based natural resources.

This new law is not perfect, as many have pointed out, but is 100% better than we had, because we had nothing.

I was extremely disappointed with the Cayman Islands Real Estate Association (CIREBA) press release stating their opposition to the law.

Normally I agree with them but they have failed to look on the other side of the picture.

A picture perfect paradise without any unique treasures is just that. A picture that one gets tired of and you can see in every travel magazine and real estate brochure.

Visitors and persons wanting to buy want something that they cannot find anywhere else and the Cayman Islands was blessed with such a wealth of natural treasures that we have allowed to be destroyed because we cannot see further than our noses and the smell of money.

Furthermore, the natural protection that God gave us against the ravages of hurricanes is systematically being removed, even illegally, and unfortunately it is some of the more prominent members of CIREBA who are doing it.

That they managed to persuade their fellow members to their point of view shows how clever they are.

The environment and development are not at odds with one another. They are there to be used together and together they become a more powerful tool in selling not only our islands to overseas visitors but selling our real estate to overseas potential customers.

We have a beautiful place and much development has added to it. However, we haven’t much left. Storms are becoming stronger and more frequent. Without a conservation law, that is not just there to protect animals and other creatures, it is there to protect all of us – yes even human beings. The ones so adept at destroying it.

Thank you Mr. Panton. And thank you to ALL members of the Legislative Assembly.




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