Cayman Cabinet Post Meeting Summary No 17.24 – 2024-05-14

Her Excellency the Governor Mrs. Jane Owen, chaired the meeting of the Cabinet held on Tuesday, 14th
May 2024 in the Cabinet Conference Room, Government Administration Building.
The Hon Minister for Financial Services, Commerce, Investment, Innovation and Social Development
acted for Premier and Minister for Finance and Economic Development, Education, District Administration and Lands. The Hon Minister for Health, Wellness and Home Affairs acted as Deputy Premier and Chief Officer, Gloria McField acted as Deputy Governor. All other Ministers and Members of Cabinet were present.
At this meeting Cabinet:
- Reviewed and Noted that Annual Reports and Audited Financial Statements for the Cayman Turtle
Conservation and Education Ltd for the years ended 31st December 2020 and 31st December 2021; - In relation to the Council for Professions Allied with Medicine:
o Accepted the resignation of Ana Jackson;
o Approved the re-appointment of Curtis Mason and Dr Kristina Bramwell to the Council;
o Approved the appointment of Harmony Scott and Beanca Campbell to the Council; - Reviewed and noted the Pharmacy Bill 2023 Consultation Report and approved the issuance of
drafting instructions to amend the Pharmacy Bill 2023; - Refused the issuance of a Coastal Works Permit for Block 33B Parcel 178;
- Approved the SEZ Authority’s recommendation and CEC request for Signal House to be declared
a part of the CEC’s special economic zone and approved the issuance of drafting instructions for an
Order pursuant to section 10(2) of the Special Economic Zones Act (2023 Revision); - Approved the appointment and re-appointment of the following persons to the Gender Equality
Tribunal: Sheridan Brooks-Hurst, Chair; Karie Bergstrom, Member; Nick Dunne, Member;
Tammy Ebanks, Member; and John Ebanks, Member; and - Noted the Cayman Islands’ Consumer Price Index Report: January to March 2024.
Published by the Cabinet Office on Wednesday, 29th May 2024.