
iLocal News Archives

Migrants rounded-up and abandoned

From Ellie Finkelstein, Freedom United

May 26th, 2024

News Digest
Human trafficking
Rounded up and abandoned: Europe’s covert support of migrant atrocities
A year-long investigation reveals Europe’s covert funding of North African nations that systematically round up and abandon migrants, including pregnant women and children, in remote deserts, leaving them exposed to the elements at huge risk to their lives, including human trafficking. These draconian practices, aimed at deterring migration, expose Europe’s silent complicity in severe human rights abuses and their hostility towards people on the move. Read more…
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Prison slavery
No protection from injury or even death on the job for incarcerated workers in America
Investigations reveal a troubling pattern of serious injuries among prisoners, who are often forced to work under hazardous conditions with little protection. Workers, like Blas Sanchez, can lose limbs ─  sometimes even their lives ─  due to a lack of protection and oversight. Efforts to challenge the 13th Amendment and end the severe exploitation of prisoners are gaining momentum as advocates call for systemic reformsRead more…
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Child slavery
Hazardous child labor “the norm” at Mar-Jac Poultry
Mar-Jac Poultry is once again illegally employing children, less than a year after a 16-year-old boy was killed at their Mississippi facility. Despite previous tragedies, the company continued to endanger minors by assigning them to hazardous tasks. This investigation highlights the urgent need for stronger child labor protections to prevent such exploitation and ensure the safety of working minors. Read more…
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Ellie Finkelstein
Freedom United


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