Chickens Lack the Most Basic Legal Protection: The Right to Humane Slaughter
The immense suffering endured by factory-farmed chickens is grossly inhumane. We must treat them better.
Keys to Building Human Bridges to the Past
Human technologies have continued to evolve exponentially since the end of the Paleolithic: today we are using them to learn more about the past.
Political Collapse: Lessons From Fallen Empires
By Richard E. Blanton, Gary M. Feinman, Stephen A. Kowalewski, and Lane F. Fargher-Navarro. Author Bios: Richard E. Blanton is professor emeritus of anthropology at Purdue University. Gary M. Feinman is a MacArthur Curator of Anthropology at the Field Museum…
Elaine Siu: How Sustainable Next-Gen Materials Can Create a More Ethical Consumer Market
The nascent industry of next-gen materials is set to dethrone unsustainable animal-based materials.
Understanding Zoonotic Diseases: How Humans Get Sick From Nonhuman Animals
By Vicky Bond Author Bio: Vicky Bond is a veterinary surgeon, animal welfare scientist, and the president of The Humane League, a global nonprofit organization working to end the abuse of animals raised for food through institutional and individual change….
Will the Golden Age for Corporate Shareholders Ever End?
By John P. Ruehl Author Bio: John P. Ruehl is an Australian-American journalist living in Washington, D.C., and a world affairs correspondent for the Independent Media Institute. He is a contributing editor to Strategic Policy and a contributor to several…
Should Harming Mother Earth Be a Crime? The Case for Ecocide
The destruction of nature might one day become a criminal offense adjudicated by the International Criminal Court.
The EU Is Marching Toward an Independent and Integrated Military
The EU’s evolving common defense network is decades in the making, yet remains hindered by its inability to match NATO and apprehension by some member states.
Sam Davis: What’s So Green About Burning Trees? The False Promise of Biomass Energy
Bioenergy companies are clear-cutting American forests to heat and electrify Europe. This broken system harms public health, the environment, and the climate.
The Double Edge Theater’s Project to ‘Rematriate Land’
Meet a theater group that left the city to reimagine a local economy.