Cayman: DEH to coordinate acceptance of large vegetation waste
DEH to coordinate acceptance of large vegetation waste Grand Cayman, March 11, 2022 – Companies or individuals engaged in the transportation of large amounts of vegetation waste such as resulting from land clearance or forestry activities are encouraged to contact the…
DEH announces Annual Bulk Waste for Cayman Brac
Grand Cayman, December 14, 2021 – The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) is advising Cayman Brac residents that the Annual Bulk Waste Collection on the Sister Island is scheduled as follows: · December, 16 to 17 – East Route (from Spot Bay to…
DEH announces One-Day Bulk Waste on Little Cayman
Grand Cayman, December 13, 2021 – The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) is advising Little Cayman residents that the Annual Bulk Waste Collection on the Sister Island is scheduled for Thursday, December 16, 2021 in partnership with the Public Works…
Cayman: DEH Bulk Waste Removal Campaign begins Nov 16 – Dec 22
The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) will commence its annual bulk waste removal activity on Monday, 16 November 2020 and conclude on Monday, 21 December 2020. UPDATED: DEH wishes to remind the community that the following items are not considered…
Cayman: VERY LATEST/FURTHER UPDATE/Dump on fire again/Update – DEH and CIFS Respond to Fire at Vehicle Recycling Plant
VERY LATEST: Fire at Vehicle Recycling Plant Now Under Control JAN 25 11:20AM Department of Environmental Health (DEH), Cayman Islands Fire Service (CIFS) and National Roads Authority (NRA) crews worked throughout the night to bring the fire at the vehicle…
Xmas trees for mulch/”Recycled pitiful me” – The Publisher speaks
We have been asked to repeat the PSA below and it seemed to be appropriate to also repeat my poem I wrote about the “merry mulch”. DEH set to collect Christmas trees for Mulch The Department of Environmental Health (DEH)…
iNews Briefs & Community Events
Cayman Arts Festival Christmas Concert Dec 20 10AM St. George’s Anglican Church Customs & Border Control Holiday Hours WORC Holiday Hours 2019 WORC is announcing its holiday working hours, as well as dates for the remaining board meetings for this year. WORC…
One confirmed case of Dengue in Grand Cayman
From Ministry of Health and the MRCU Officials from the Ministry of Health, along with the Mosquito Research and Control Unit, wish to advise the public of one confirmed case of Dengue for a Cayman Islands resident who had no…
DEH rids Grand Cayman of derelict vehicles
The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) has removed 93 derelict vehicles from communities throughout Grand Cayman since Monday, 4 March as part of its ongoing efforts to address some of the long-standing nuisances on the island. “We have been able…
Cayman Islands DEH/Prison expand rehabilitation partnership
GRAND CAYMAN, GIS – The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) has taken on a third worker to help improve garbage collection, through its ongoing partnership with Her Majesty’s Cayman Islands Prison Service (HMCIPS). Late last year the two agencies signed a…