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British Overseas Territories

Cayman Speaker Hon. Katherine Ebanks-Wilks meets with UK House of Commons Speaker and Speakers of the British Overseas Territories

House of Parliament, George Town, 10th May 2023 Anguilla Conference – Speaker and Clerk The Speaker of Cayman’s Parliament, Hon. Katherine Ebanks-Wilks, was in Anguilla in April to meet with the Rt. Hon. Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker of the House…

Eight (8) British Overseas Territories at the 3rd Annual Montserrat Conference

Montserrat. October 10th, 2022 – The Montserrat Conference is pleased to announce that Conference ’22, the 3rd Annual Montserrat Conference, will convene on Saturday, October 22nd, at 10:00 a.m. Montserrat time, with speakers from eight (8) British overseas territories, and one island…

Speakers of the British Overseas Territories are welcomed by The Prince of  Wales

The Prince of Wales hosted a special lunch for Speakers from the UK House of Commons and the British Overseas Territories at Clarence House.  The group, which included Sir Lindsay Hoyle and his counterparts from Anguilla, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Montserrat, Saint Helena,…

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UK: Tory MPs praised tax haven island [Cayman] after it took them on free trip worth £17,000

By Dan Bloom From Daily Mirror UK Sir Graham Brady and Sir Michael Fallon took the free trip paid for by the Cayman Islands government – and then defended its actions in the ongoing tax havens row Two top Tory…

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UK FCO responds to Foreign Affairs Committee report, provides reassurance that it has no plans to intervene on belongership, voting rights or same sex marriage

From Cayman Islands Governor’s Office FCO responds to Foreign Affairs Committee report, provides reassurance that it has no plans to intervene on belongership, voting rights or same sex marriage The Governor’s Office announced today that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office…

UK: Ministers face furious backlash after blocking attempts to impose financial transparency rules on Channel Islands

By Jack Doyle From Daily Mail UK Government pulls Crown Dependencies finance transparency bill at last minute Would have forced business owners with more than 25 per cent stake in Channel Islands company to declare publicly ‘in bid to tackle corruption’  …

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The Editor speaks: UK’s new report “Global Britain and the British Overseas Territories” will cause much concern here

We have published today the “Introduction” and Conclusions” contained in a new UK Parliamentary Committee report titled “Global Britain and the British Overseas Territories: Resetting the relationship”. You can find the whole report at : Of course one of…

Caribbean News Events iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Statement on London UK Overseas Territories Association Joint Ministerial Council Meetings by Cayman Islands Premier

Statement on Meetings in London By Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin, MBE, JP, MLA Monday, 17 December, 2018 Legislative AssemblyWith permission Mr. Speaker I will make a statement concerning the United Kingdom Overseas Territories Association Joint Ministerial Council meetings I recently…

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Cayman Islands, UK hold constructive constitutional discussions

GRAND CAYMAN, Cayman Islands – The United Kingdom Government has committed to formally responding to proposed Cayman Islands constitutional safeguards in the coming weeks. The UK and Cayman Islands Governments held constructive, positive talks on changes to the Cayman Islands…

Cayman Islands Premier welcomes JMC participants

LONDON – The two-day Joint Ministerial Council Meeting (JMC) between British Overseas Territories and Her Majesty’s Government began Tuesday at Lancaster House with welcome remarks from the Cayman Islands Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin as President of the United Kingdom Overseas…