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Understanding accountability in OMOV and SMC

As we draw nearer to the Referendum on 18 July 2012, much has been said concerning one man, one vote (“OMOV”) in single-member constituencies (“SMC”) and the attendant equality of voters.  Therefore, by now, everyone with an open mind probably…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Questions and where are the answers?

We have to applaud East End MLA, Arden McLean, for revealing the note the financial secretary, Kenneth Jefferson, gave the PPM Cabinet, who were in power on the eve of the election, stating that as of 31 March 2009 the…

iOpinion Your View

Letter to Editor: from Big Beard, (not verified)

Thank God someone has it right with these figures. I’m certain you are duly qualified to explain this financial saga to us. Hope everyone finally gets it. N2Cay, not so fast, this is just a warm up, one year to…

iClassifieds iHealth iLifestyle iLocal News iOpinion Your View

8 Tips to Become a Morning Person by DivineCaroline

By DivineCaroline ( You don’t have to naturally be an early bird to become one. Make the following changes to your daily routine and environment and give yourself a little time to adjust and you, too, can be one who…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Are both Auditor Generals wrong?

Our lead story highlighting Cayman’s Auditor General’s latest report contains the phrase Government has “lack of sound financial practices”. That phrase sounds familiar doesn’t it? The words “sound financial practice” has been hammered home time and again not only by…

iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iOpinion News Your View

Climatic Change-Up by Chris Dippel

I’m not a fan of baseball, either to play (too slow) or to watch (really too slow), but over its 150-year-plus history its enthusiasts have generated an interesting lexicon.  A change-up pitch, as I learned from my more learned colleagues,…

iCommunity iFood iLifestyle iLocal News iOpinion Your View

15 Surprising Uses for Bananas by Katie Waldeck

Katie is a freelance writer focused on pets, food and women’s issues. A Chicago native and longtime resident of the Pacific Northwest, Katie now lives in Oakland, California. Sure, most of us love to enjoy bananas for breakfast or, perhaps,…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: When ‘unusual’ can be explained

One must hand it to Independent MLA for North Side, Ezzard Miller. Whether one agrees with him or not, he is doing his job as a duly appointed representative of the people. He gives 100% of his time and energies…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Our Constitution

Last Monday (2) was Constitution Day and I hope all of us celebrated the public holiday in style and/or relaxation. I also hope all of us have actually read our Constitution. If you haven’t, one of the best web sites…

iOpinion Your View

Letter to the Editor: by Anon

The Opposition leader is now on our last nerve, apparently suffering from a severe case of amnesia. As one writer puts it: Are these die hard PPM supporters willing to draw reference to the memory of Dart paying civil servants…