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Do not gloat over anyone’s death; remember that we all have to die. Ecclesiasticus 8:7  

Editorial Editors Choice iEditorial iOpinion News

The Editor speaks: Two out of three

In my Editorial on Wednesday (7) I was in an apologetic mood under the banner “I Could Have Been Mistaken”. I went to great pains to show the reasons why Cayman’s Legal Department and Justice Quin allowed the trial of…

Editorial Editors Choice iEditorial iOpinion News

The Editor speaks: The Crown loses, again

Not surprisingly, the crown’s case against the two men who were charged with robbing two visitors at Barefoot Beach, in East End last February, ended with no case to answer against one of the men and the second man was…

iCommunity iCulture iEditorial News

CAYMAN’S ARK: Giving is Receiving

Due to last’s year’s overwhelming response to ARK’s “Giving is Receiving” Project , we are delighted to be organising it again this Christmas. Last year, we received over 600 filled shopping bags and thousands of dollars worth of Christmas gifts…

Editorial iEditorial iLocal News News

Statement in regards to the UK – Honorable Premier

Statement in regards to the UK – Overseas Territories Relationship Consultation Process by the Honorable Premier presented in the Legislative Assembly on 17 November, 2011   Thank you Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, over the past couple of weeks there has…

Editorial Editors Choice iEditorial

Can both the Auditor Generals be wrong?

Colin Wilson When I first arrived on these Islands thirty years ago the office of the Auditor General of the Cayman Islands was rarely, if at all, in the news. On the official Government website the office is described as:…

Editorial iCrime iEditorial iOpinion

Thugs target the elderly

Editor: Colin Wilson Have you noticed a common theme in our news stories lately? It is something so abhorrent it makes my stomach turn over with nausea. The thugs living in our midst. The scumbags of our society. The ones…