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Caribbean News Editorial Editors Choice iEditorial iFinance iLocal News News

The Editor Speaks: CNB Sale. To be or not to be?

I have to admit it was with some dismay when I learned Cayman National Bank had received an unsolicited potential offer from Republic Bank Trinidad and Tobago that is based in Barbados The Press Release from CNB: Possible Partial Offer…

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The Editor Speaks: Animals need better protection

“I chopped these two wild dogs in the head because they attacked me!” Case closed. Animals cannot dispute the claim. The Department of Agriculture concluded that two dogs that had got loose and attacked someone, who did not have one…

Caribbean News Editorial Editors Choice iCommunity iEditorial iLocal News iOpinion iViews News

The Editor speaks: Ideas for successful schools

The Office of Education Standards (OES) is actively seeking input from the general public on the new inspection framework, “Successful Schools and Achieving Students”, by holding district meetings and conducting social media polls via the Cayman Islands Government Facebook page….

The Editor speaks : Computer problems affecting iNews Cayman

I have to apologize to our readers that the 31 plus articles/ entertainment packages we present each weekday will be lacking in content over the next few days due to computer problems. Not just one but two. Our back-up external…

Caribbean News Editorial Editors Choice iCommunity iEditorial iLocal News iWorld News News

The Editor speaks: Common sense

I hope you read the Front Page story in today’s iNews Cayman headlined “Obituary: Common Sense is dead”. The death of common sense article is humorous and is equally so true. There are three links where I found Common Sense…

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The Editor Speaks: What is transparency?

Politicians love to band the word ‘transparency’ about. Unless you actually get to run the country. Opposition Leader Ezzard Miller used the word ‘transparency’ a number of times when he announced his ‘shadow’ cabinet were going to produce a national…

The Editor speaks: Garbage is back to normal

The Radio Cayman Lunchtime Call In show yesterday, I understand, had representatives from our government Environmental Health Department who stated that garbage had been all cleared and back on normal schedule. I did not hear the broadcast but was informed…

Caribbean News Editorial Editors Choice Events iCommunity iCulture iEditorial iEntertainment iLocal News News

The Editor speaks: Much ado about nothing

Here in the Cayman Islands we have had two recent ‘Much Ado About Nothing’. One has thankfully past and the other is ongoing. The first involved a Christian Gospel Concert being held on a Sunday that involved live musicians playing…

Caribbean News Editorial Editors Choice iEditorial iEnvironment iHealth iLocal News iOpinion iViews News

The Editor speaks: More rubbish

It would seem our rubbish problem is getting worse and more rubbish is coming forth from Press Releases from the Department of Environmental Health (DEH). Before Christmas our rubbish collections were getting further and further behind. The reason given was…

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The Editor speaks: Resolutions

Did you make a resolution or resolutions for this New Year? I used to but that was a long time ago. So long ago I don’t even remember what resolutions I made and if I ever kept them. It’s not…