
iLocal News Archives

Day: October 14, 2023

IMFC News Conference

IMF The International Monetary and Finance Committee (IMFC) of the IMF praised cooperation among its members on a wide variety of agenda items Saturday (Oct. 14) in Marrakech, Morocco.  “We have come together on the importance of boosting inclusive and…

Cayman: Inflation Rate slowed to 4.1 percent in Q2 2023 

Grand Cayman, 14 October 2023 – The Cayman Islands’ 2023 second quarter inflation rate was 4.1 percent. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the second quarter was 130.4, with higher price indices recorded in 10 of the 12 divisions. The leading…

Governor Jane Owen appointed as Principal of R3 Cayman Foundation

HE Governor Jane Owen & R3 Chairman Dale Crowley Her Excellency the Governor Jane Owen has accepted the role of Principal for the R3 Cayman Foundation. Following her predecessor Governor Martyn Roper, she assumes the mantle of certain oversight powers…

Cayman: Task Force reports on Russian Sanctions progress

Attorney General, Hon. Samuel Bulgin The Cayman Islands remains committed to the effective implementation of the Russia Sanctions Regime and maintaining its role as a global partner working towards peace and security. In response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine,…

The struggle for environmental justice in Africa

By Nnimmo Bassey Author Bio: Nnimmo Bassey is the director of the ecological think tank, Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF), and a member steering committee of Oilwatch International. Source: Independent Media Institute Credit Line: This article was produced by Earth | Food | Life, a project of…

Medicine residue is everywhere in our rivers and lakes—and fish are behaving strangely

By Daniel Ross Author Bio: Daniel Ross is a contributor to the Observatory. His work has appeared in Truthout, the Guardian, FairWarning, Newsweek, YES! Magazine, Salon, AlterNet, Vice and a number of other publications. He is based in Los Angeles. Follow him…

How to fix our food system

Earth | Food | Life explores the critical and often interconnected issues facing the climate/environment, food/agriculture and animal/nature rights. E | F | L champions action—how people can help put society on an ethical path of sustainability that respects the rights of all species who call this planet home.

 Profit trumps people and planet in Brazil’s Eucalyptus Industry

Earth | Food | Life explores the critical and often interconnected issues facing the climate/environment, food/agriculture and animal/nature rights. E | F | L champions action—how people can help put society on an ethical path of sustainability that respects the rights of all species who call this planet home.

 Is wastewater an answer for adapting to Climate Change?

By Frederick Clayton Author Bio: Frederick Clayton is an investigative journalist with the Center for Collaborative Investigative Journalism focusing on environmental themes, specifically water and sanitation issues worldwide. He is a contributor to the Observatory. Credit Line: This article was produced by Earth | Food |…

Loki: Why healthy forests mean fewer pandemics

By Reynard Loki Author Bio: Reynard Loki is a co-founder of the Observatory, where he is the environment and animal rights editor. He is also a writing fellow at theIndependent Media Institute, where he serves as the editor and chief correspondent for Earth | Food | Life. He…