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the Editor Speaks: Is blasting of Bush a damp squid?

After reviewing the paperwork, albeit at a distance and copies, on face value I really can’t understand what the fuss is about.

The premier said from the outset he was only trying to help someone out and in this case I want to believe him.

We all know how government civil servants can be very slow and most of them have never worked in the private sector where time is money.

The only strange thing in all this is that Mr. Prasad of Midland Acres has been ordering blasting materials for a long time and is it possible he would have forgotten to complete all the necessary paperwork? I have to say “Yes.” When one is in a hurry one can easily miss some of the paperwork that you have filled in many times before. We all make mistakes.

But there may be more to this. Were false statements given to the police? We don’t know and this is where it all becomes conjecture.

Nothing is simple is it? There must be more to it than what I have perceived to have seen..

Theatre outside the LA

Approximately 200 persons were amused outside the LA yesterday when the opposition conducted their own No Confidence Vote. They carried out their threat of walking out if their motion was not placed on the Order Paper of the Day.

Of course we had to have the LA Sergeant of Arms getting the police to move persons who were gathering around the LA Building just to irritate everyone who were actually in a pretty good mood. It doesn’t take much to change a mood of a crowd and this was a silly request and police action.

The mock Speaker was Consuelo Ebanks who did an excellent job, especially as she was confined to a wheelchair after a bad fall. The motion of No Confidence was carried to loud applause.

It’s nice to have a bit of fun isn’t it?


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