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The Editor Speaks: From bad to worse

Colin Wilsonweb2David Legge, the publisher of Cayman Compass who fled “for his life” from the huge uprising against him via the terrorists that lurk around every Cayman Islands corner with their AK-47 assault rifles swinging from their necks and their faces adorned with war paint, safely made it with his wife clinging bravely to him to the jet that happily made it into the air safely and arrived in Florida. It was with great thanks to the Cayman Islands Commissioner of Police who had given the Legges’ protection after he had called the Islands’ Governor.

Visibly shaken from his ordeal David spoke to the World Press who championed him for his stand against corruption in the Cayman Islands thus making himself a target from the Islands’ Premier Alden McLaughlin.

“He put a target on my back, to my mind, and my wife’s as well,” our hero said by telephone call to The Washington Post.

Oh. David used to work there. I have been informed. I have been informed. I have been informed.

Still fearing reprisals the Legges are in hiding and there is a rumor there is an officer from the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service keeping careful watch over them.

Caymanians are known for their tenacity as always getting their man.

“Don’t get on the fighting side of me,” is their motto. Cayman’s premier sang the famous song in the Island’s equivalent of Parliament – the Legislative Assembly to thunderous applause and members banging their tables. It was frightening to watch and then the premier said the word “Treason”.

Treason in many countries is punishable by death and Legge once again talking to his old employer THE WASHINGTON POST (he used to work there you know) said “he brought up the subject of his family’s personal security with Helen Kilpatrick, the governor of the Cayman Islands. Kilpatrick acts as the Queen of England’s representatives on the Cayman Islands; she is effectively the head of state while McLaughlin is the head of the government.

“Twenty-four hour police protection was then granted for Legge and his wife, though Kilpatrick later issued a statement saying she did not make the decision. Even despite the added security, Legge says he and his wife decided Saturday it was safer to head to Fort Lauderdale, where they maintain a home.

‘”The Cayman Islands are a very safe and secure place — I wouldn’t want to imply or suggest otherwise – but we have our share of crazies and malcontents and so on just like any other society,” Legge says. “I felt the need for security because the premier had just gotten on the floor of the house and accused me of treason.”’

The Washington Post where David Legge once worked quotes him as saying he (Legge) sees McLaughlin’s comments as politically motivated — designed to appeal to Caymanian voters who support Webb and dislike the foreigners who live on the island, such as Legge and his wife.

From bad to worse it all is. Fact and fiction was the above.

I mixed up part of the Washington Post piece with my utter nonsense but can you tell the difference?

“Legge says he and his wife are not sure when or if they’ll return, but he seems hopeful.” – Washington Post

Can you really believe this stupidity and I am utterly appalled that an experienced journalist and the publisher of the only daily printed newspaper in the Cayman Islands is the instigator of this whole charade.

He has completely damaged the name of this country and implied that Caymanians cannot tell what is corruption because they have been brought up in it.

At least the Washington Post did quote from Cayman News Service and that is a plus over the New York Post that implied the premier’s attack on The Compass and David Legge was because they exposed Webb. They did not expose Webb all they did was what ALL of Cayman’s media did report everything that was happening. In fact iNews Cayman has published more articles about FIFA, Jeff Webb and Jack Warner than anyone else here. The premier has not censored us.

Last quote from Washington Post:

“Not all journalists on the Cayman Island’s are sympathetic to the Legges’ plight, however. In an opinion article posted to the Cayman News Service Web site, a competitor of the Cayman Compass, editor Nicky Watson called suggestions of treason “fantastically silly,” but also suggested much of the anger at the editorial was in fact directed at the Legges’ management of the paper over the past two years. She also questioned why the Legges were given government-funded protection and described the publishers’ decision to flee this weekend as “cowardly and a disgrace to the profession.”’

I have been involved in the media here since 1992 and lived here for over 30 years. My wife, Joan Wilson (formerly Watler) is the daughter of Major “Roddy’ Watler, the most decorated Caymanian and former Chief of Police amongst many other top jobs. One medal was for bravery. He is an example of nearly all Caymanians.

Never have I nor would I have ever expected an attack by an experienced journalist on the very people who welcomed David Legge and gave him Caymanian status. That he is continuing this nonsense and getting the world press to side with him with totally biased and out of context statements is disgraceful.

The Police Commissioner ordering protection to the Legees’ has given their departure credence it 100% did not deserve.

As an ex-pat said to me this morning I am frightened to read anything from the media now.

Yes that Editorial, which started the ball rolling has not stopped and like a snowball running down the hill is getting bigger and going from bad to worse.

To read the Washington Post article in its entirety go to:


  1. Thank you Mr. Wilson. You have penned so much truth and shade so much light on areas that i have spoken about of late; not the least, my challenge to the local media to do more that regurgitate what the foreign press says about the FIFA scandal but particularly tell Jeff’s story. ..and it’s a good one up to that May morning. I stand by his innocence until otherwise. As for tne Legge’s drama or it damage, you have brilliantly captured tne irony, untruths, misrepresentation, sweeping generalizations, discrimination, hysteria and downright unethical journalism in your piece. To that i said well said and thank you good man.

  2. Colin, thanks for writing this and you are so correct. It is totally unbelievable that a so-called journalist, of the stature that David Legge wants us to think that he is, would act so . When he was being interviewed on radio and asked about Jeffrey Webb, he responded….”Well Jeffrey Webb….he works for an organisation called FIFA…..” I think the entire world knows FIFA and, if they didn’t know Jeffrey Webb before, well his name and FIFA has dominated the international news for the past few weeks. More than any other news item, I would venture to say.


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