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Taiwan President arrives in Haiti to start Caribbean tour

Ma-Ying-jeou_1From Jamaica Observer

PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti (CMC) – President Ma Ying jeou arrived in Haiti Tuesday at the start of a visit to several Caribbean countries.

He was met on arrival by President Michel Martelly and will later participate in the ground-breaking ceremony for a new Supreme Court building to replace the one destroyed in the January 2010 earthquake that also killed an estimated 300,000 people and left more than a million others homeless.

Ma will also visit St Kitts-Nevis, St Lucia and St Vincent, the other Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries that have diplomatic relations with Taiwan that China considers a renegade province.

He will also visit Paraguay where he will attend the inauguration on Thursday of the new head of state, Horacio Cartes, who was elected on April 21.

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