
iLocal News Archives


Delta 8: The Next Generation of Cannabinoids

When it comes to Cannabis, a product is only as good as the brand. If a brand is cutting corners in its processes, you can expect the product to illustrate that eventually. If you don’t know what to look for…

The 6 most popular benefits of delta-8

Cannabis is trending due to its innate nature and health benefits. It has been a medication for many years filled with different chemical compounds. A known chemical is the delta-8 which bonds with the body receptors to generate a mental…

How to Choose CBD Gummies with THC

No matter what sort of product you buy to aid your health and wellbeing, it is important to make the right choices. This means finding products that are both safe and effective, and in order to do this, you need…

Life Hacks: Get prepared for a sudden drug test

Public perception of Marijuana changes rapidly. According to this National Affairs article, support for legalization skyrocketed from a mere 12% in the ’90s to a whopping 60% today. Cannabis use is legal in 18 states already. Unfortunately, many employers don’t…

How CBD works

From Ellevet Sciences If you are not familiar with the endocannabinoid system, then let us first give you a short introduction. It is a recently discovered system but it is very important. It is responsible for monitoring a wide range…

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The next frontier for cannabis vapes: mood-specific formulas

By James Trew From engadget “In New York, my bicycle messenger really had two types of cannabis. It was either green or brown.” Michael Ray is the CEO of Bloom Farms, a California-based cannabis company that specializes in vape cartridges and…

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Could pot harm men’s sperm?

From Newsmax New research shows that marijuana causes genetic changes in sperm, though it’s not clear what effect those changes have, or if they’re passed on to a man’s children. But the scientists said their findings suggest that men trying…

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9 Plants that contain healing cannabinoids, besides marijuana

By: Brian Syuki From Care2 For many of us, cannabis is the first thing that comes to mind when we hear of cannabinoids. This makes perfect sense, since cannabis contains many cannabinoids that have not been found in other plants….

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7 most common myths about medical cannabis

From Aphria We’ve learned that cannabis consumption could lead to negative outcomes, and was often grouped together with harder drugs such as heroin and cocaine. This approach has led to stigmatization,hria resulting in the development of myths and misunderstandings concerning…

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The Editor Speaks: Cannabis – myths, truths, studies and research

We have published two articles today about cannabis/ganja/marijuana/weed Whatever you want to call cannabis there are even more questions whether it is good for you or bad. One article pronounces that a four year Australian study of 1,500 people found…