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President Donald Trump

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What you learn by giving 200 Senate speeches on climate change

BY ANDREW FREEDMAN From Mashable Every week the Senate has been in session since April 2012, one lonely Democratic senator from Rhode Island, Sheldon Whitehouse, has taken to the Senate floor to speak about global warming. On March 13, Senator…

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Trump blocks Broadcom-Qualcomm merger

By John Eggerton From Broadcasting Cable President Donald Trump has blocked the merger of chip makers Broadcom andQualcomm by executive order as a potential security risk, saying that the proposed takeover of Qualcomm by Singapore-based Broadcom Ltd. and its Broadcom…

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Educators say ‘No Way’ to Trump’s suggestion of arming teachers

By Madeline Will From blogs.edweek President Donald Trump suggested a possible solution to preventing the kinds of school shootingsthat left 17 students and educators dead in Parkland, Fla., last week—arming nearly a quarter of the nation’s teachers. “If you had…

Cayman Islands: Anthony Bourdain on Donald Trump, the #metoo movement, and the most disgusting thing he ever ate

By Chris Dwyer From South China Morning Post TV presenter and author criticises the US President for his ‘stupidity, lack of curiosity and laziness’, damns those who do not report sexual misconduct in the workplace, and fears for his taste…

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WH: Trump had nothing to do with McCabe’s departure from FBI

From Newsmax FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who has received blistering criticism from President Donald Trump, has stepped down and will be on leave until he retires sometime in the spring, a person familiar with the matter said Monday. Trump…

The Editor Speaks: Cayman Tourism

“Today, the business volume of tourism equals or even surpasses that of oil exports, ‎food products or automobiles. Tourism has become one of the major players in ‎international commerce, and represents at the same time one of the main income…

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Caribbean legislators join outrage over Trump’s reported ‘Racist’ remarks

From Jamaica Gleaner NEW YORK (CMC): Caribbean legislators on Friday joined the avalanche of deep outrage over United States President Donald J. Trump’s reported racist remarks about nationals from Haiti, Africa and El Salvador. “Donald Trump’s disgraceful and disdainful rhetoric…

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South Korea’s Moon: Trump played ‘Huge’ role in talks with North Korea Read Full Article Here South Korea’s Moon: Trump Played ‘Huge’ Role in Talks with North Korea

By Theodore Bunker From Newsmax South Korean President Moon Jae-in said Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump “deserves big credit” for his country’s talks with North Korea, BBC News reports.  “I think President Trump deserves big credit for bringing about…

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Ewin James: Stupid and brilliant

Many people are allowing themselves to be convinced by the mainstream media in America that President Donald Trump, is stupid and is  pathologically unfit to govern, especially when compared to the reputed brilliant President Barack Obama.   Is that so…

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A professor of medicine explains why he hasn’t quit diet soda — but never drinks the regular kind

By Erin Brodwin From Business Insider It’s impossible to directly compare the health effects of diet and regular soda, since we have far more research on the regular kind. The studies we do have suggest regular soda is linked with…