
iLocal News Archives


FBI needs warrant for shared Weiner, Huma laptop

By Jason Devaney From Newsmax The FBI’s newly discovered evidence in the Hillary Clinton email case is reportedly a laptop shared by Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her estranged husband Anthony Weiner, and now the bureau needs a warrant to search…

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Palantir says it didn’t racially discriminate against Asian people

By Megan Rose Dickey From TechCrunch Palantir Technologies has come out and said that it did not discriminate against Asian people, Fortune reports. This comes after the U.S. Department of Labor sued the company for alleged racial discrimination against Asian…

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News organizations sue FBI to find out who & how much It paid to unlock t

By Chris Morran In the months following the tragic Dec. 2, 2015 terrorist attack in San Bernardino, the FBI and Apple engaged in a heated legal (and publicity) battle over whether or not the tech giant could be compelled to…

Airlines have no idea what to do when people are sexually assaulted on flights

By Nora Caplan-Bricker, Slate From Business Insider Dana T. had never felt more excited about her life. In April, she’d landed what she calls her “dream job,” working in sales at a global travel company. Like every other employee, she would…

US: Miami Gardens resident pleads guilty to participating in sophisticated International cellphone fraud ccheme

From US department of Justice A Miami Gardens, Florida, resident pleaded guilty today to multiple criminal charges in connection with a sophisticated global cell phone fraud scheme that involved compromising cellphone customers’ accounts and “cloning” their phones to make fraudulent…

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Donald Trump aide Paul Manafort scrutinized for Russian business ties [Cayman Islands account]

By Tom Winter and Ken Dilanian From NBC News Donald Trump’s campaign chairman was a key player in multi-million-dollar business propositions with Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs — one of them a close Putin ally with alleged ties to organized crime…

4 times that Hollywood got Wall Street wrong

By Alice Gomstyn and Phyllis Furman, The Alert Investor From Business Insider From “It’s a Wonderful Life” to “The Big Short,” Hollywood has long been fascinated with money and Wall Street. But finance and markets can get highly technical, testing…

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Clinton’s Email troubles persist as FBI sends notes to Congress

From Newsmax The FBI sent lawmakers notes on its interview with Hillary Clinton about her use of a private email server, as the State Department confirmed that it will release several thousand work-related messages that Clinton failed to turn over….

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FBI, US Attorney launch probe into Clinton Foundation

By Mark Swanson  From Newsmax The FBI has launched several investigations into possible corruption within the Clinton Foundation, The Daily Caller reports. The Bureau has support from various U.S. Attorneys offices — including Preet Bharara of the Civil Frauds Unit…

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This paragraph from FBI’s statement explains why the agency isn’t recommending charges against Clinton

By Pamela Engel From Business Insider The FBI announced on Tuesday that while an investigation found evidence Hillary Clinton was “extremely careless” in the “handling of very sensitive, highly classified information,” the agency would not recommend charges be brought against…