
iLocal News Archives

Climate Change

Malawi’s Farmers Face a Precarious Future From Climate Change-Related Storms

Malawi’s farmers—mostly women—lost their land, livestock, and livelihoods after a storm. They are struggling to recover in a nation considered one of the world’s most affected by extreme weather events.

How the Constitution Fails to Protect the Environment

The absence of clear and broad constitutional authority to protect the environment limits the scope of federal environmental law.

Should Harming Mother Earth Be a Crime? The Case for Ecocide

The destruction of nature might one day become a criminal offense adjudicated by the International Criminal Court.

Sam Davis: What’s So Green About Burning Trees? The False Promise of Biomass Energy

Bioenergy companies are clear-cutting American forests to heat and electrify Europe. This broken system harms public health, the environment, and the climate.

We Need a Plan for the Transition to Renewable Energy

Radical societal transformation is inevitable; a plan could make a difference between catastrophe and progress

Animal-Free Agriculture Is Key to Restoring Biodiversity

We all have a moral obligation to do the least possible harm to our planet, and that ethos has a name: veganics.