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Stop New Dolphinarium in the Turks and Caicos Islands


  • Target: Ric Todd, Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands
  • Sponsored by: Judith B.

The waters around Turks and Caicos are home to an impressive variety of marine life, attracting tourists, snorkelers and divers. A shadow has been cast, though, with a business pushing to exploit dolphins.

Dolphin Cove ltd has operated pseudo-educational “swim with dolphins” experiences in Jamaica for years, at no benefit to the unfortunate dolphins. While the “lagoons” might appear marginally better than the brutality of circus shows, the dolphins are still captives, living unnatural lives and usually torn from the wild. Now the company wants to expand into Turks and Caicos.

The exploitation of dolphins is bad news for the dolphins and for people who visit the dolphinarium, who learn nothing about animals in their natural environment. It isn’t good for the Turks and Caicos tourist industry either, because of the growing awareness of the suffering captivity causes dolphins.

Tell the governor to refuse planning permission for such an outdated and counter-productive business.

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Say no to captive dolphins in the Turks and Caicos. Keep dolphins in the blue!

Dolphins belong in the wild. They belong in the open oceans of the world. They do not belong in captivity here in the TURKS & CAICOS or anywhere else.
One third of this country is dedicated to Marine and Terrestial National Parks and Reserves. Our brand is “Beautiful by Nature”. Our seas are full of wild dolphins.

JoJo, a WILD and FREE Bottlenose dolphin has enchanted thousands and thousands of people for over 25 years by swimming with them in HIS natural environment.

21 years ago the Turks and Caicos together witH PRIDE successfully rehabilitated and released Rockie, Missie and Silver, 3 captive dolphins from the UK, back Into the Blue.

On the 24th of October 2012, Governor Ric Todd (UK), Head of the Turks and Caicos Islands Interim Government changed our Fisheries Protection Regulations WITHOUT ANY CONSULTATION to allow the importation of captive marine mammals into these islands.

In doing so not only has he made an illegal business application and planning proposal process “seem” legal, fair and transparent,  but he has also shown support for the brutal process of capturing wild dolphins.

Dolphin Cove of Jamaica hope to open Dolphin Cove Turks and Caicos early in 2013.
Let’s STOP them and DEMAND that the Governor RESCIND the ammendmant to keep these islands Beautiful by Nature and Dolphins in the Blue!

To sign petition go to:

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