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Prison escapee – Marcus Manderson – update

As the hunt for Marcus Manderson, one of the three prisoners who escaped from HMP Northward on 14 August continues, the man leading the investigation confirms that at this stage there is no evidence to suggest that he is still in the Cayman Islands.

DCI Malcolm Kay said “In the first few weeks of the investigation the police received reports of a number of unconfirmed sightings of Manderson throughout various districts of Grand Cayman. However despite intensive police efforts, which resulted in the two other escapees being recaptured, Manderson remains at large.

“No reports have been received in recent weeks suggesting that he remains on Island, and intelligence suggests that he may be overseas. This is still a very active investigation and we are continuing to liaise closely with law enforcement agencies in other jurisdictions in an effort to establish his current whereabouts.”

Chadwick Dale and Steve Manderson have both been charged with escaping lawful custody. Dale pled guilty and is awaiting sentence. Steve Manderson appeared in court on Tuesday October 15th.



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