
iLocal News Archives


  • Cayman: RCIPS Makes Clarifications Regarding the Recruitment Process
    The RCIPS is aware of false information circulating on social media, suggesting that the RCIPS and another law enforcement agency have deliberately failed Caymanians in the recent local police […]
  • Cayman: Preparedness Should Continue as Cayman Expects Rainy Weather
    Grand Cayman, 15 June 2024 – The National Weather Service (NWS) continues to monitor a broad area of low pressure likely to cause increased rainfall over the Cayman Islands from tomorrow Sunday […]
  • Cayman National Weather Service Surveillance Bulletin #1 – Friday 14 June
    The National Weather Service is currently conducting surveillance of a disturbance in the region with potential implications for the Cayman Islands, beginning today Friday 14 through Tuesday 18 June […]
  • Caynan Anti-Corruption Commission Files Charges
    Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, 14 June 2024 Following a complex and protracted investigation, investigators from the Anti-Corruption Commission have today charged the following persons: Maxwell […]
  • Cayman: Minister Bryan to Attend Caribbean Week in New York City
    Hon Kenneth Bryan Hon. Kenneth Bryan and senior officials from the Ministry of Tourism and Ports (MOTP) will travel to the Big Apple to attend ‘Caribbean Week’ presented by the Caribbean Tourism […]

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iOpinion Our Eye

Addicted to gambling

Casino gambling, sports betting, lottery and bingo playing is enjoyed by many whilst for others it as an addictive and distractive habit. The uncontrollable urge to gamble despite the destructive effect it has on your life is defined as pathological…

iOpinion Our Eye

Mens Watches

Apart from telling him what time it is, a watch also indicates the personality as well as the stature of a man. Men’s watches have also become fashion items, as many guys show off their personality and preferences through wearing…

iBusiness News

Estimating your start-up business costs

Before you take out a second mortgage, use these rules to figure out the realistic costs of setting up a business. Most lending banks insist you have to have a business plan. When you have one that’s not the beginning…

iEntertainment iPuzzle

Sudoku 6×6


iBooks iEntertainment

Anne – Part 36

We continue our serialisation of Anne by Constance Fenimore Woolson “Annet. You are like a stone.” “Then throw me away.” At that early season the passengers were seldom pleasure-travellers, and therefore they endured the delay philosophically. It is only the…

iCommunity News

Music camp helps kids

Bells, drums and tambourines are simple percussion instruments, but for a group of 17 special needs children they were both music makers and therapy tools that made a huge difference in their summer. The children participated with their siblings in…

Editors Choice iOpinion Your View

Bodden and McLean speak out

The PPM’s motion of a lack of confidence (no confidence) in the UDP Government is a political maneuver. All the issues in that motion are normally debated in the throne and budget speech which debate was just two months ago….

Editors Choice iCommunity News

Supporting 50 years of Cayman Red Cross

Local law firm, Higgs & Johnson recently made a donation to the Cayman Islands Red Cross (CIRC) as the CIRC celebrates 50 years of service to the Cayman Islands. A September to Remember is the title for the Cayman Islands…

iWorld News News Today

Security tightens for 9/11 anniversary

WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal government is escalating security around the country in preparation for the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and conducting confidential briefings with state and local law enforcement organizations. But officials say there is no…