
iLocal News Archives


  • Cayman: RCIPS Makes Clarifications Regarding the Recruitment Process
    The RCIPS is aware of false information circulating on social media, suggesting that the RCIPS and another law enforcement agency have deliberately failed Caymanians in the recent local police […]
  • Cayman: Preparedness Should Continue as Cayman Expects Rainy Weather
    Grand Cayman, 15 June 2024 – The National Weather Service (NWS) continues to monitor a broad area of low pressure likely to cause increased rainfall over the Cayman Islands from tomorrow Sunday […]
  • Cayman National Weather Service Surveillance Bulletin #1 – Friday 14 June
    The National Weather Service is currently conducting surveillance of a disturbance in the region with potential implications for the Cayman Islands, beginning today Friday 14 through Tuesday 18 June […]
  • Caynan Anti-Corruption Commission Files Charges
    Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, 14 June 2024 Following a complex and protracted investigation, investigators from the Anti-Corruption Commission have today charged the following persons: Maxwell […]
  • Cayman: Minister Bryan to Attend Caribbean Week in New York City
    Hon Kenneth Bryan Hon. Kenneth Bryan and senior officials from the Ministry of Tourism and Ports (MOTP) will travel to the Big Apple to attend ‘Caribbean Week’ presented by the Caribbean Tourism […]

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Elite awards the footballing elite

Elite Sports Club of West Bay scored a major win with its 2011 Awards Banquet at the Sir John A Cumber Primary School. The club’s leading players and coaches were honored in the presence of numerous supporters. Coaches Tiger Wilson,…

ISports Sports Local

27th Annual Foster’s Food Fair 800M Sea Swim a resounding success

The 27th Annual Foster’s Food Fair 800M Sea Swim started promptly despite the dark skies, torrential rain and thunder and lightning that had covered most of the western end of Grand Cayman earlier in the day. Once again, as has…

ISports Sports World

Dodgers’ Kershaw beats Giants 2-1 for 20th win

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Clayton Kershaw impressed just about everybody except himself in becoming the Los Angeles Dodgers’ first 20-game winner in 21 years. Fittingly, his accomplishment came against a team he has dominated this season. Kershaw improved to 5-0…

ISports Sports World

Jaguars to start rookie QB Gabbert at Panthers

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) — The Jacksonville Jaguars are turning to rookie quarterback Blaine Gabbert. Coach Jack Del Rio named Gabbert the starter Wednesday, switching signal callers three days after Luke McCown threw four interceptions against the New York Jets. Del…

iOpinion Our Eye

Window bird feeders

One of the great things about living in the Cayman Islands is all the birds that are attracted by the plants. If you live in an apartment with limited public ‘green’ areas window bird feeders are another way to attract…

iScience News

Earth to satellite: When will you hit and where?

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — NASA scientists are doing their best to tell us where a plummeting six-ton satellite will fall later this week. It’s just that if they’re off a little bit, it could mean the difference between hitting…

iOpinion Our Eye

Tips from successful Artists

I have a number of very ‘arty’ friends and when I sat ‘arty’ I mean in the art of painting. Some of them are very successful but the majority are struggling. It is not that the successful ones are more…

iBooks iEntertainment

Anne – Part 51

We continue our serialisation of Anne by Constance Fenimore Woolson “I could not help coming, sir, because Annet is going away” Then Tita came in. “Annet is going away,” she said, softly; “she is going to school. The letter came…