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Lawyers get on their bikes for charity

imagesCyclists from a combined team of Intertrust and Walkers staff recently endured the challenge of riding a 100 miles through the an annual fundraising  initiative coordinated by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to assist in efforts to defeat leukaemia and blood cancers. The ride, which featured a series of demanding peaks at high altitude around Lake Tahoe, took place on Saturday 2 June, 2013. This was the fifth consecutive year that a team from Walkers had competed in ‘America’s Most Beautiful Bike Ride’. With Intertrust’s recent acquisition of Walkers Management Services, a joint ‘Team Intertrust-Walkers’ signed up for this year’s ride.

Representing Walkers were: team captain Peter Slocock, Wade Tamasa, Rowena Lawrence and Ramesh Maharaj. From Intertrust were Nancy Lewis, Lesley Connolly, Elenie Falconer-Cloutier, Angelica Thijssen, Warren Keens, Jan Willem van Drimmelen, Jon Herrick and Neil Gray.

The riders enjoyed perfect conditions for the event, with experienced cyclist Rowena Lawrence leading the way for Team Intertrust Walkers and crossing the finish line after less than seven hours, which was a team record.

Staff at both Intertrust and Walkers in Cayman got heavily behind their team and helped to raise over US$57,000 for the cause. Staff contributed in a variety of ways from direct donations, special dress down days, office raffles and attended a fundraising quiz night.

“I would like to say a huge thank you to everybody who helped make this event such a success, from the team members who devoted so much time and effort to fundraising and training, to our friends and colleagues who helped us exceed our target by seeking donations, donating prizes, and selling raffle tickets,” said Peter Slocock, Technology Director at Walkers. “Our colleagues at Walkers and Intertrust have shown incredible generosity and what we all have achieved together will really make a difference.”

“The generosity of our employees and business partners for this cause was truly overwhelming,” said Nancy Lewis, Chief Operating Officer of Intertrust. “The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society continues to do an outstanding job of providing support to persons throughout the Americas affected by these illnesses and we’re delighted that our efforts can help the organisation continue to help others.”

Team Intertrust/Walkers would also like to thank all the corporate sponsors that have supported them in this venture, especially the ‘Gold Sponsors’ whose significant generosity helped the team reach the target that much faster: Alphasoft, Rotary Club of Grand Cayman, Digicel, Stepping Stones, Inova Solutions and Workplace Environments.


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