Jamaica: Attractions poised to benefit from UNWTO conference exposure
October 11, 2017
Minister of Tourism, the Hon. Edmund Bartlett says the upcoming United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), Government of Jamaica, World Bank Group and Inter-American Development Bank Global Conference on Jobs and Inclusive Growth: Partnerships for Sustainable Tourism in November will be a big boost for the country’s attractions.
According to the Tourism Minister, the billions of dollars which have been pumped into either upgrading or the building of new attractions over the past several years are about to bear fruit.
“I have been preaching religiously since 2007 about the need to have quality attractions for the inevitable growth within the sector and obviously our stakeholders and partners are responding,” the Minister noted.
“J Wray & Nephew and its parent company, Gruppo Campari, are spending some $1 billion to renovate its Appleton Estate Rum Experience in St. Elizabeth. The fact that its opening coincides with the UNWTO conference is a major plus as it really should get a lot of plugs from the hordes of international journalists that will be here to cover the event.”
Minister Bartlett further noted that Chukka Caribbean Adventures’ US$4 million investment in Good Hope, Trelawny, the famed Hip Strip, with the popular Magaritaville in Montego Bay, as well as Duty Free shopping in Rose Hall and a trek down to Rick’s Café, will all be in play during the conference.
“We also have the world famous Dunn’s River, Dolphin Cove, Mystic Mountain, and the Bob Marley Nine Miles Tour, which are all in St. Ann,” the Minister added.
“I am pleased with how our local investors, in western Jamaica and surrounding areas, have answered the call and to the point where it’s safe to say that we now have the biggest and best attractions here in Jamaica.”
For his part, John Byles, Chief Executive Officer of Chukka, said his company’s investment in the Good Hope facility in Trelawny is a testament “to our belief that tourism is on the right track.”
“We will be delighted to showcase what we believe is the best attraction in the Caribbean to our UNWTO friends and partners,” he noted. “We know the eyes of the world will be on Jamaica for three days in November and we intend to showcase our gem here at Good Hope and our other facilities in surrounding areas.”
General Manager for the Appleton Estate Rum Experience, O’Shane Ellis said the fact that his tour will reopen in mid-November and in time for the conference will also be a major plus.
“Ours will be a one of a kind experience that cannot be duplicated anywhere else in the world,” Ellis explained. “There will be an obvious wow factor that will be breathtaking and I am sure the reviews will be great.”
The UNWTO conference will be held from November 27-29 at the Montego Bay Convention Centre in St. James. More than 800 international and local participants will be engaged in plenary sessions and workshops on a wide range of subject matters pertinent to tourism.
Captions: Dolphin Cove 555 – Dolphin trainers at the popular Dolphin Cove attraction in Ocho Rios, St. Ann getting ready to do morning practice drills at the facility.
Ribbon cutting – Minister without portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Dr. the Hon. Horace Chang (Third from Right) joins in the cutting of a ribbon to open Chukka Good Hope Adventure Park in Good Hope Trelawny on September 26. Also in the ribbon cutting ceremony is Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism Jennifer Griffith(Fourth from Right); Chukka’s Marc Melville (Fifth from Right); Alexander Melville (Sixth from Right); Blaise Hart (Seventh from Right) and Danny Melville Snr. (Second from Right) and the company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) John Byles (First from Right).