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GOP is killing the American dream – let them retire where their money is, in the Cayman Islands

By Glenn Sutton From

Don’t be one of Trump’s monkeys. Trump claims his White House is running like a well-oiled machine. However, a machine with a thousand bolts will be wrecked by one loose nut. Trump is that nut. The oil he’s talking about is money and corruption.

Trump claims he has a superior brain. Sean Hannity is the brain and his propaganda minister, you know, the man behind the man.

When Mitt Romney ran for president he stated that 47 percent of Americans pay no taxes. The truth is, 47 percent of Americans don’t make enough income to pay taxes. That’s the real shame. Forty-five million people are in poverty and the wealthy continue to get richer. Last week I went to Walmart and they had 28 self-service cashiers and two live cashiers. When you call major companies like AT&T, large banks and credit card companies, your complete history is in the Philippines, India and other countries. I really enjoy someone who doesn’t speak English telling me how much my credit card payment will be next month.

American workers are in real trouble with technology replacing jobs and greedy corporations shipping jobs overseas. We need leaders who can think past elections as to how all Americans can share in the wealth of our great country. We need a minimum wage increase.

Most of all, however, we need honest government. We need to vote out the Republicans in House of Representatives, let them retire where their money is, in the Cayman Islands. Maybe Trump can utilize his great brain and discover where all those Tea Party deficit hawks are hiding; you know, those liars who promised if elected they would pass a balanced budget and eliminate wasteful spending. The Godless Old Party is now the Smash and Grab Party. The wealthy Americans are destroying the country for 70 people of the people with their greed.

When you go to vote this November, there are two main issues to focus on: corruption and health care. The American people have the power to end the rampant corruption by voting these Republicans out of Congress. Medicare for all is not the solution for health care. The Affordable Care Act is not perfect, it needs a little work.

Right now we have a Godless Ole Party dictatorship, a Republican House, Senate, president and Supreme Court. There are no checks on TRUMP. The GOP, all its members care about are tax cuts for the wealthy and no EPA regulations. The evangelists only care about legislating the 613 laws in the Old Testament, and Trump only cares about enriching himself and his family.

As Americans, we can start to keep America great by voting out the GOP from Congress. Corruption can destroy our democracy.

— Glenn Sutton lives in Belleview.

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IMAGE: Grand Cayman FILE


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