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Eve and Rener visit Cayman’s Bootcamp

cayman8From Eve Torees Believe! Posted by Eve Torees

Last week Rener and I had to go to the Cayman Islands for jiu-jitsu seminars.

Ok… who am I fooling, it was the best possible “work” trip I could ever imagine! The Bootcamp Grand Cayman, a new Gracie Certified Training center run by Ronnie Hughes and owned by Dax Foster and the Foster family, brought us out to do some awesome kick-off seminars!

Day one we hit the Ritz spa… by far the best spa I have ever stepped foot in. Afterwards we went straight to the beach to relax before the action began.

Day two we did the jet packs! If you don’t know what that is, visit or check out the Gracie Breakdown of our visit! It was the most fun water experience- flying around like Iron Man being propelled by water shooting out from the contraption harnessed to our body! Rener was quite a bit better at it than me… but what else is new?

That night we did our kickoff women’s self-defense seminar at the Bootcamp. What made this night so special, was that we were raising funds for those struggling with bipolar disorder in honor of Shakara Taylor, a dear friend of the Bootcamp. We presented her memory with a pink belt, because that was her favorite color, and she had started on her jiu-jitsu path before her life was lost in the battle of depression. My sincerest thanks to David Ravenscroft for sponsoring the seminar, allowing many women to be introduced to the principles of self-defense for the first time.

Day three was my favorite day by far. Besides perfect weather, we got a private boat trip to “Stingray City” a sandbar in the middle of the ocean with nearly one hundred stingrays who come to play! They flap all around us waiting to get fed fish from our hands! It was amazing. Then we went to a Dolphin cove and swam with dolphins Nemo and Lucy. We’ll call it a double date. They are such amazing creatures!

On Saturday we finished up our seminars with a fun group of kids at the Bullyproof seminar and a Gracie Combatives seminar.

What else can I say other than I love my job!

To host Rener and I for a seminar near you, email [email protected].

All photos are from Eve Torres

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