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Migrant workers are NOT modern-day slaves!

From Ellie Finkelstein, Freedom United

Migrants have never been in more danger in the U.K. than they are today. 

The Rwanda Bill threatens migrants ─ including children and survivors of trafficking and modern slavery ─ with imminent deportation. The hostile treatment of migrants in the U.K. is only going to get worse.  

We must speak out now to protect migrant workers from harassment, exploitation, and deportation. Add your voice


The exploitation of migrant workers in the agricultural and care sectors has reached an appalling all-time high.[1] They are trapped in a vicious cycle of deceit, exploitation, and abuse, fueled by visa schemes that tie workers to employers to address labor shortages.  

Intermediaries lure migrant workers with false promises, forcing them into debt bondage and leaving them vulnerable to exploitation. If migrants report abuse, they risk losing their jobs and being kicked out of the country. And so many stay silent – and their suffering continues.

I’m asking you to fight with us for a safer and fairer future for migrant workers, wherever they come from.

Sign petition

Sign our petition to protect the rights and dignity of migrant workers by demanding immigration policies that do not allow for the exploitation and modern slavery of migrant workers. 

In solidarity,

Ellie and the team that supports the Freedom United community

Ellie Finkelstein
Campaigner and News Editor, Freedom United



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