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Convicted rapist now tries for plea change

Convicted rapist Jeffery Barnes, after pleading guilty to abduction rape and attempted rape last month, is now trying to change those pleas.

Just before Barnes trial, after prompting from his lawyer, he admitted kidnapping a 49 year old woman from a bus stop and raping her in Admiral’s Landing.

Barnes was due to be sentenced for this conviction but he is facing a second and separate trial for an allegation of rape.  He has, however, sacked his original defense team and is now being defended by Attorney, John Furniss.

Furniss told the court last Friday (9) that he needed to discuss the charges with his client and see if it is possible for the guilty pleas entered last month to be vacated.

The case has been adjourned until 16th November so that Furniss can deal with Barnes’ wish to withdraw his pleas.

Barnes was remanded in custody to HMP Northward.

See our story of the previous trial “Rapist pleads “Guilty” in iNews published Oct. 23, 2012 at


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