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Conference on tackling Tax Havens: From the Cayman Islands to Your Local Council

From the UK’s Ethical Consumer: a free conference.

How can we stop tax haven abuse by multinational companies?

Join Ethical Consumer and its partners from the Tax Justice Network UK for an afternoon of talks and lively debate. We will be hearing about the effects of tax avoidance all over the world and the creative strategies being adopted to put an end to it.

Speakers include:

  • Richard Murphy of Tax Research UK and TJN UK on tackling tax havens through country by country reporting.
  • Chris Jordan of ActionAid! talks about the effect of corporate tax avoidance on the global south and their response to it.
  • Jane Hope of UKUncut talks about strategies for applying pressure on multinational companies and their ongoing campaign.


Tim Hunt and Leo Nimmo of Ethical Consumer discussing their latest research, the experience of France and what we can do here in the UK.

Friday 28th September 2012.
Amnesty International UK
The Human Rights Action Centre
17-25 New Inn Yard
London EC2A 3EA

The running order
4:00 – 5:00 Tax havens international impacts and country by country reporting
5:00 -6:00 What we can do. Local action for local people
6:00 – 7:00 drinks reception
Please note
2:00 – 3:-00 Ethical Consumer AGM – open to Ethical Consumer members only

For more information go to:


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