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Christie Apparently Snubbed By CPAC Organizers

ap_chris_christie_nt_120828_wgBy Paul Scicchitano Newsmax

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who angered some fellow Republicans with his public praise of President Obama’s handling of Superstorm Sandy just days before the November election, appears to have been snubbed by this year’s Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) gathering.

Despite being chosen to deliver the keynote speech at last year’s Republican National Convention, CPAC officials chose not to invite the popular governor to this year’s three day event, which starts on March 14 near Washington, D.C., according to NBC News.

Meanwhile, the American Conservative Union, which sponsors the event, announced on Monday that Texas Gov. Rick Perry will be among the featured speakers at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center.

“Governor Rick Perry has been successful in leading Texas with strong fiscally conservative policies,” said ACU Chairman Al Cardenas. “We look forward to welcoming Governor Perry back to the CPAC stage in March.”

Billed as America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists, CPAC offers three days of speeches, policy discussions and networking opportunities “all celebrating the shared principles of smaller government, a strong national defense and traditional American values,” according to organizers.

The NRA is a major player at CPAC and has held a decisive role in GOP primaries, including its presidential contests, for more than three decades.

Christie has been at war with the group in recent months, condemning the Second Amendment organization for running ads that noted Obama opposed putting armed guards in schools though his own children attend an elite private school that has close to a dozen armed guards.

Christie has been a strong proponent of gun control for some time.

“I think we need to have a large, national discussion … and gun control has to be part of it, too,” Christie said soon after the Newtown, Connecticut shooting. Christie has boasted that New Jersey has the second toughest gun control statutes in the country.

Christie has seen his poll numbers soar in heavily blue state New Jersey as he has taken on the NRA and attacked GOP leaders like House Speaker John Boehner.

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