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The Editor speaks: Your Christmas tree could be home to up to 25,000 insects

“But don’t worry about those little things” The Cayman Islands Department of Agriculture (DOA) is quite right to warn importers of Christmas trees concerning the steady increase in interceptions of pests of quarantine importance in tree shipments since 2015. Last…

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By Paul McGowan From PS Audio I love butter. As a committed vegetarian for more than half my life that might sound strange, but butter is my vice. Cold slabs of the yellow delight mashed into the open face crumb…

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The Editor speaks: It’s all ‘hope”, “anticipation”, “expected”, “most”, and “should”

Whilst Mount Trashmore gets bigger and our garbage gets collected less we finally get an update from government on the proposed new waste cycling centre. Or more correct, the ISWMS facilities (Materials Recovery Facility (MRF), Composting facility, Household Waste Recycling…

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The Editor speaks: Are people worth as much today as yesterday?

My Editorial was prompted by an article we published today from TechCrunch titled “Make people valuable again”. I have been wondering recently, with the increasing use of robots, are we phasing ourselves out of being useful employees. If you believe…

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The Caribbean must think carefully about how and where to ‘build back better’ after the hurricanes of 2017

“Building back better” to create more resilient societies is a laudable goal, but every country is different and there are no quick fixes. By taking into account topographical differences, reforming building codes, and reviving ecosystems, the Caribbean can take a significant…

Caribbean News Editorial Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iEditorial iLocal News iOpinion iViews News

The Editor speaks: Garbage & power

The two things we have had in common this holiday weekend is plenty of garbage all over the streets of Newlands, where I live, due to its non-collection, again, plus two power outages – one yesterday afternoon/evening and another around…

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The Editor Speaks: Why we remember them

This holiday weekend and more particularly this Sunday (11), is held each year to remember all those brave souls who fought for us in the two World Wars. Many lost their lives. This year is particularly important as it marks…

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Easy alternatives

By Paul McGowan from PS Audio An easy alternative to Malden sea salt is kosher sea salt. Both are made from pure salt evaporated from the ocean. Both raise salinity levels in the exact same proportions. Yet, Malden is prized…

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The sound of microphones

By Paul McGowan From PS Audio It’s rare that I can hear a recorded voice and be unable to distinguish it from the live version. So rare, in fact, that I think the only times I have been fooled is…

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OPINION: Newspapers connect humanity

By Melissa Martin North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, Antarctica. Humanity lives, works, and plays on the 7 continents. And reads the newspaper. All free countries on the planet with a printing press (and the Internet) are able…