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No luxury for Brit Bobbies

The police officers here from the UK to fight crime will not be living in five-star luxury – but instead will stay in low-cost accommodation, the governor has revealed. Around 20 detectives from Merseyside and the North West of England…

MAC SUES HURLEY’S: Bush takes action over media slurs

Saying, “enough is enough”, Premier McKeeva Bush has filed suit in the Grand Court charging Hurley’s Entertainment, its owner Randy Merren and former MLA Daphne Orrett, with defamation in May this year. At the same time, Mr Bush last Monday…

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Top Legal Officials to meet in Cayman

Attorneys General from seven Overseas Territories (OTs) gather in Grand Cayman for three days this week. They are scheduled to deliberate with officials from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) as well as top legal personnel from the UK, US…

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iNews really in the news!

iNews Cayman made headlines in the British media for their coverage of the visit by Merseyside Police Chief Constable Jon Murphy. In the Daily Mail on Saturday, a newspaper which sales more than two million copies each day, they reprinted…

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Cayman Enterprise City gets the ball rolling

Cayman Enterprise City (CEC) Special Economic Zone have given a glimpse of their proposed plans to reinvigorate Cayman’s business market. In an interview with iNews, CEC’s Vice President of Marketing and Business Development, Hilary McKenzie-Cahill, said that CEC are intending…

KNOT A JOLLY?: Chief Baines fears stories may stop help

Police Commissioner David Baines fears that the weekend controversy about the visit of Merseyside Chief Constable Jon Murphy to the Cayman Islands will stop UK police answering future calls for help. “I’m frustrated by it, yes,” the commissioner said of…

WE’RE HERE TO HELP: But UK chief says his team will stay safe

The 20 UK detectives arriving in Cayman this week and next will not patrol troubled communities or process crime scenes, but will interview witnesses, handle evidence and help build RCIPS court cases. “They are not going into crime scenes, and…

Mac leads tributes to Mr T

Premier McKeeva Bush has led the tributes to Cayman entrepreneur Linton Tibbetts who died in Florida on Thursday night after a short battle with cancer. The 88-year-old, who was born on the Brac, will be remembered for turning the failing…

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Heartless thieves put lives at risk

Heartless thieves stole life-saving supplements during a raid at a charity. The nutrients were taken in a break-in at the Meals on Wheels centre in George Town. It put an elderly woman’s life in danger and staff at the centre…

Lisa and choir hit the right notes

International soprano Lisa Carlisle was in good voice when she helped the choir from Grace Academy. The Welsh-born opera star gave some valuable tips to youngsters during a specialist workshop held at John Gray Memorial United Church. Ms Carlisle is…