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iHealth iLifestyle

Car Accidents & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Our society is plagued by self-induced stress. Should this be something we pop pills for? Retrospectively, society accepts the unhealthiness of prior forms of medicated stress relief. It is generally accepted that smoking, for example, causes more problems than it…

iHealth iLifestyle

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a common disorder characterized by excessive worry, tension and anxiety usually when a person faces potentially problematic or dangerous situations. It is also felt when a person perceives an external threat. However, chronic and irrational anxiety can lead…

iCulture iLifestyle

Wear Yuh Colours on Jamaican Independence Day!

“A people without knowledge of there past history, origin, are like a tree without roots” – Marcus Garvey Jamaica gained their independence from the British colonial rule forty-nine years ago, on August 6th in 1962 after 307 years of British…

iHealth iLifestyle

Your body talks just like your tongue

Without even talking your body is sending messages to people around you unless you are a master of disguise. Yes. Your body actually communicates exactly like your tongue. The words you speak account for only 7% of the messages you…

iFood iLifestyle

Dishin’ with Dody: Lettuce, dressing, and croutons…oh my!

As promised, here is the continuation of our “salad odyssey”.  Last column covered the creation of salad dressings.  The body of a salad is as varied as the dressings.  Most any vegetable or fruit can be added to a salad. …

Dishin with Dody

I have missed you this past week.  My father, Ross, passed away, so my life has been consumed with the details of his life.  His memorial service was Saturday.  The most difficult part was knowing how much he would have…

“Anne” and Constance Fenimore Woolson

Constance Fenimore Woolson was an American novelist and short story writer who was born in Claremont, New Hampshire on March 5th, 1840. She travelled extensively through the midwestern and northeastern regions of the USA during her childhood and young adulthood….

Continuing our abridged serialization of Kathleen Bodden-Harris’ book “Quest on the Marl Road”

Part 47 A New Beginning Almost immediately, she answered him. “I don’t think we could find any finer place to live.  The neighbors are so great and they literally look out for you.”  She paused as she considered her feelings…

Fountains are a pleasure

I love water fountains. They can be located just about anywhere, take on any form and by the way the water is engineered to be released, are a moving picture of delight. From the times of royal nobles to our…

Kids get all fired up over pottery

Children from the Rehoboth summer camp had a chance to get their hands dirty at All Fired Up on Tuesday.