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Halleluijah Praises in the Courtyard

The University College of the Cayman Islands will host a major benefit gospel concert slated for Friday and Saturday, May 25 & 26, 2012, 6:30pm at the UCCI Courtyard. Entitled Halleluja: Praises in the Courtyard, This will showcase performances by…

iHealth iLifestyle

15 Natural Options for Depression

By Michelle Schoffro Cook* Everyone feels down at some point, usually as a reaction to difficult circumstances, but clinical depression goes far beyond that. In such cases a person experiences a prolonged sadness that is out of proportion with the…

iHealth iLifestyle iLocal News News

Coffee and Cancer

By Dr. Michael Greger MD* Last month in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, an editorial entitled “Coffee consumption and risk of chronic diseases: changing our views” reviewed the growing evidence that for most people, the benefits of drinking coffee…

iCulture iLifestyle iWorld News News

Obama, backing gay marriage, on fundraising tour

(AP) — President Barack Obama said Vice President Joe Biden got “a little bit over his skis” in publicly embracing gay marriage, forcing Obama to speed up his own plan to announce support for the right of same-sex couples to…

iArt iCommunity iCulture iLifestyle iLocal News News

Art Show at Woods Furniture

At Woods Furniture, Dorce Drtive, Geroge Town, yesterday (10) there was an Art Show called Vis Vires” featuring artists Courtney Platt, Jeremy Sibley, Patrick Broderick, Nickola McCoy-Snell, Shane Aquart, Teresa grimes, Joanne Sibley, Gordon Solomon, John Broad, Anne Gouldon, Mikael…

iCulture iFood iLifestyle

Dishin’ with Dody: Mother’s Day

This Sunday, May 13th, is officially Mother’s Day, but my official Mother’s Day began many years ago on the first of May.  This is the day my first son was born.  Jeffery was a child that was longed for and…

iFaith iLifestyle iWorld News News

Obama voices his support for gay marriage

(AP) On the fence no longer, President Barack Obama declared his unequivocal support for gay marriage on Wednesday, a historic announcement that gave the polarizing social issue a more prominent role in the 2012 race for the White House. The…

iDrink iLifestyle iOpinion Our Eye

How much will you pay for a cup of coffee and do you know how to order it ?

I used to pay as little as 50 cents for a 7oz paper cup of instant coffee from a vending machine. A slightly bigger paper cup of coffee from outlets like Starbucks costs over $2! Here in Cayman the normal…

iEntertainment iLifestyle iLocal News News

House Hunters International Cayman Islands Episode

Another House Hunters International episode filmed in the Cayman Islands will be aired on HGTV Channel on Westar Cable TV on Wednesday, May 8 at 10:30pm EST and 1:30am EST “Luxury Living in Grand Cayman” episode synopsis: Fed up with Ontario’s frigid…

Batabano bounces beautiful

Despite threatening skies, the Batabano parade went ahead as scheduled on Saturday (5) Sounds of revellers reached more than a mile down the West Bay Road, from the Marquee Plaza where the massed bands gathered before the parade. First in…