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Dishin’ with Dody: Mother’s Day

This Sunday, May 13th, is officially Mother’s Day, but my official Mother’s Day began many years ago on the first of May.  This is the day my first son was born.  Jeffery was a child that was longed for and greatly anticipated.  I knew from the time I was nine years of age that the most important accomplishment of my life would be becoming a mother.  At that early age, he was named although I had to wait many years to meet him.

My mother was expecting my brother.  She could not choose between two names and assigned the task to me.  I could not make the decision either, but decided whichever name she did not use would be my first child’s name.  (Yes, I always knew my first would be a son.)  I adored my brother and cared for him as a mother.  He was carried on my hip and in my heart.

Then I married and after a short time began thinking of having that child I had desired for so many years.  However, doctors had a different story.  I was told that I could not have children.  I didn’t believe them and took the problem to the Great Physician.  After many prayers, a name seemed to hover over the Obstetric section of the phone book.  I made an appointment.

The God-sent M.D. concurred with the other’s diagnosis, but would try an experimental surgery.  After being released from the hospital with a fertility RX, he gave me no hope but did say that if I was ever going to become pregnant it would be in the next three months.  It was in the second! I was forever after introduced by my doctor as his “favourite infertility patient.”  Probably because I went on to have three children in four years!

I adored my children and still do. I loved them as toddlers, cherished them as they grew and was entertained by them as teens.  They are the best thing I ever achieved and I never took motherhood for granted.  When I would think, what times of their life was best, I always answered, “today.”

Today is the best day ever for being a mother.  My three children are ambitious, diligent, creative, loving, humourous and wonderful parents to my beloved grandchildren…but that is a different holiday!

I appreciate, admire and not only love them; I like the people they are.  There were mistakes made as a young mother, but I always said that loving them as much as I did had to make up for some of them.  I am also grateful for the other “mothers” in their life.  They were blessed with precious grandmothers, aunts and a step-mother that love and support them still.  These and more helped to mold them into the incredible people they are today.  Thank you all….

I’m sharing a recipe for that special “Honey” in your life.  Make a Honey Bun Cake soon and everyone will be happy you did!

Honey Bun Cake


1 Pkg. Butter Recipe Yellow Cake Mix
2 Sticks Butter
4 Eggs
1-8 oz. Sour Cream or Greek yogurt
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/3 cup chopped pecans
2 T. cinnamon
1 cup powdered sugar
1 T. milk
1 t. vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease bottom of 13×9 cake pan. (I melt 1/4 stick of real butter) Remove ½ cup dry cake mix- reserve.  Beat remaining mix, butter, eggs, sour cream in large bowl on medium speed for two minutes.  Spread half of batter in pan.

Stir together reserved dry cake mix, brown sugar, pecans and cinnamon.  Sprinkle over batter. Carefully spread remaining batter (it will be thick, use spatula and spread carefully) over pecan mixture. Bake 30-35 minutes or until done.

Stir powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla until thin enough to drizzle.  Add milk if needed.  Poke top of cake several times with fork while hot.  Spread glaze over hot cake.


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