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5 facts about cats that makes us realize why people love them so much

Cats are excellent pets, but they often do not get as much credit as they deserve. Keep in mind that this is not a post where we compare different kinds of pets with each other, trying to prove that one is better than the other. Instead, we will simply highlight some of the many reasons as to why people have come to love cats as pets so much over the course of millenniums.

Most Cats are Quiet Animals by Nature

Some species of domestic cats have a mating ritual where they “sing” to attract mates. The problem is, that’s precisely what’s called caterwauling! However, neutered cats do not caterwaul unless they are really scared, disturbed or physically in discomfort. As long as your cat is neutered, you will have a furball who will never cause your grouchy neighbors to lodge a noise complaint against you. As this is a common issue with dogs in apartment buildings, their quiet nature is a serious advantage.

Cats Affectionally Bond with Humans

It is a myth that cats don’t bond with their owners like dogs. They may not show it in the same way as dogs do, because cats and dogs are after all, completely different species. Nevertheless, cats do get attached to their human families, just like dogs. There has been sufficient research on the matter to confirm the same, and you can read more about feline attachment studies on this recent post called, ‘Do Cats Bond with Humans Like Dogs Do?| Diamond Pet Foods’.

Cats are Surprisingly Easy to Toilet Train

Unknown to someone who has never owned a cat before, grown cats and even kittens are surprisingly easy to toilet train. As long as you have a litter box in their vicinity, most cats have been found to only do their business inside it. This is another reason why cats are easy to keep inside apartments.

Cats Can Calm You Down

Dogs can also calm us down, especially the trained ones. Cats, on the other hand, do not even require training to have a calming effect on their human families. Their purring noise and their furry touches are known to help alleviate stress and blood pressure quite significantly, reducing the chances of a heart attack.

They Can Spend Hours Alone, without Getting Depressed

Make no mistake, they do require attention and some cats require more attention than others. However, unlike canine pets who become distressed, depressed and even aggressive after staying alone for long hours, cats can handle it surprisingly well. If you live alone, cats are one of the very few intelligent pets that can handle isolation for long hours, without getting distressed. They can sleep for about 15-hours every day if they need to, so it’s understandable!

As you can probably understand by now, unless you have acute feline fur allergies, there’s no reason why you cannot become a cat person. In fact, there’s no reason why you cannot be both a cat and a dog person at the same time, provided that you have the space and time for them both.


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