
iLocal News Archives

Day: February 25, 2018

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UK’s flagrant disregard for the rule of law and complicity in segregation of LGBTI people in its Overseas Territories

In May 2017, the Supreme Court of Bermuda established marriage equality for same-sex couples in the case of Godwin-DeRoche v The Registrar General(“Godwin-DeRoche“). The Bermudian court did not use international law but relied on local Bermudian law to hold that…

Caribbean News Education Events iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Educator returns to Cayman Islands to give gender violence prevention leadership

March’s Honouring Women Month coincides with a greater awareness of gender harassment issues globally. The debate, fueled by celebrity pronouncements, is gaining momentum with calls for substantive action through the #MeToo, #AskMoreofHim and #AskHerMore campaigns. Well-known gender equality, speaker, trainer…

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Cayman Islands: 2018 Inter-Secondary Track & Field Meet

The Ministry of Education and the Department of Education Services, in partnership with the Department of Sports, are excited to host the 2018 Inter-Secondary Track & Field Meet at the Truman Bodden Sports Centre (TBSC) on 1-2 March.  This annual…

The Editor Speaks: Mental health

There is no doubt that mental health patients have suffered here in the Cayman Islands for decades with no proper facilities. At long last it seems that these patients are going to get a facility that is being specially tailored…

Cayman Islands HSA board issues statement on security leave

The Cayman Islands Health Services Authority have just issued a statement concerning the security staff were placed on required leave From Cayman Islands HSA: The senior management of the Health Services Authority in their routine monitoring of department metrics discovered…

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Cayman Islands MLAs David Wight and Kenneth Bryan attend Parliamentary Forum in UK

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands (22 February, 2018) Counsellor David Wight and MLA Kenneth Bryan will represent the Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly at the first Commonwealth Parliamentarians’ Forum in London next week (26 February – 1 March). The Forum is aimed…

KAABOO expands with festival slated for Cayman Islands

By Fred Bronson From Billboard KAABOO, the multi-sensory music, comedy, art and culinary festival that is going into its fourth year this September in Del Mar, Calif., is growing. In one step, KAABOO is going international with a second annual…

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Future Parliamentary Leaders

Two Caymanians Join Future Parliamentary Leaders · Adrian Stewart and Chauntae Martinez represent the Cayman Islands at the ninth Commonwealth Youth Parliament in Jersey next week. · Participants will experience parliament in a real-life situation. · The programme aims to…

HMCI Hazmat plan

Cayman Islands HMCI developing a National Hazmat response plan The U.K. Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) is currently sponsoring a project to develop a Hazardous Materials Management Response Plan for the Cayman Islands. Hazard Management Cayman Islands (HMCI) is coordinating…

This photo shows how the horrors of war have become part of everyday life in Syria

By Daniel Brown From Business Insider Reuters photographer named Bassam Khabieh captured an eerie scene in a Syrian town outside of Damascus on Friday. The image shows local civilians inspecting, staring at, and walking by a missile that had been…