
iLocal News Archives

Month: February 2013

Editors Choice iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News News

West Bay and Cayman Brac fishermen oppose marine park proposals

At a press briefing last week, Gina Ebanks-Petrie, the Department of Environment (DoE) Director, revealed that all of the comments and submissions from the public regarding the proposals set out by the DoE to produce the enhancement of and expansion…

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Cayman: ‘Don’t Want Competition Ahead Of Us’

The Cayman Islands Government says it is “closely monitoring” developments in Bermuda after the six-year Term Limit for work permit holders was scrapped. Cayman presently has a seven-year term limit, and changes to the policy have been a subject of…

CFA makes annual donation

A career in the financial field is both exhilarating and rewarding! Preparing for a professional exam is just one of many challenges you will have to face when looking to attain your financial degree. To assist prospective financial analysts all…

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No property rights revealed in GLF pay-off

At the Thursday (31) Government Press Briefing, Tourism Minister Cline Glidden revealed that Italian based company, GLF Construction’s $2.5M pay-off as a settlement agreement relating to the termination of the cruse berthing negotiations with them by former premier McKeeva Bush,…

Bermuda, ‘capital of the Caribbean’?

By Owain Johnston-Barnes Royal Gazette Members of the House of Lords discussed making Bermuda the “capital of the Caribbean” to cut the cost of travel between the UK and the islands to our south. The conversation took place as the…

iLocal News iOpinion News Your View

Letter to the Editor

Anon TRUTH REVEALED WHY THE UK WANTED MCKEEVA BUSH OUT OF THEIR WAY What did I tell you knuckleheads? I knew it was coming but not quite so soon! The UK is really showing their true colors. They are really…


Tortuga Caribbean Rum Cakes & Chocolate Rum Turtles

Tortuga Caribbean Rum Cakes & Chocolate Rum Turtles on Home Shopping Network for Valentine’s Day Gifts Miami FL/ Grand Cayman BWI/Montego Bay, Jamaica -Tortuga Rum Cakes and Chocolate Rum Turtles with Sea Salt will be featured on HSN, the television…

RCIPS Uses Tasers

The week of Monday, 4 February, GIS Spotlight gets you again behind a Taser, looks once more at gender stereotyping, and youth and tourism. Police agencies everywhere grapple with the need to use the right tools to fight crime effectively…

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American Sniper author Chris Kyle shot dead in Texas

Iraq veteran and ex-US Navy seal Chris Kyle, known as the deadliest sniper in US history, has been shot dead on a Texas shooting range, reports say. His body was found at Rough Creek Lodge range on Saturday with that…