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We all make mistakes

 “An apology makes us a better person”

We all make mistakes. Howsoever intelligent we may be, or wealthy, or experienced, because we are human. Only God doesn’t make any mistakes.

Some of our mistakes hurt our interest. They don’t hurt anyone else. But sometimes, we do few things knowingly or unknowingly that hurt others. That is the time to apologise. Why do many of us apologise immediately, and why do many of us avoid it? Why do many of us say sorry even for an insignificant hurt, while some wait for ages to say sorry after committing gigantic blunders? It all depends upon our thinking, our upbringing, our humility, our sense of right and wrong, and our opinion of other’s feelings and so on. But do we become smaller by saying sorry? Are we confessing a blunder by saying sorry? Are we hurting our ego by saying sorry? Certainly not.

We become better by saying sorry. When we say sorry, we feel good and the other party feels good. “Please forgive me and let us be friends again.” An apology makes us a better person by cleansing us of our guilt. Say sorry as soon as we realise we have hurt someone even if the hurt is insignificant. If the mistake is bigger, our apology should match it to bring matters back to normal.

Let us apologise at all the times, when we make a mistake and we will make someone happy again. We will get happiness in return.








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