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UCCI and Cayman Education Ministry design teachers training courses

UCofCaymanLogo-GoldThe Cayman Islands will soon be able to have much needed homegrown teachers. The University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) and the Education Ministry has worked together to design three quality educational teaching courses.

UCCI President Roy Bodden encouraged people to sign up for the programmes that have been designed to meet the needs of the local education system. Bodden said these teaching courses along with other courses and programmes designed to meet the needs of the local labour market including the nursing programmes and soon to come hospitality courses demonstrate the importance of the UCCI.

The new Associate of Arts in Primary Education Programme prepares students to support teaching and learning in the schools, while the updated Bachelor of Science in Primary Education Degree prepares students to be qualified teachers. In addition, the new Post Graduate Certificate in Primary Education offers a 15-month programme for career changers or those holding a bachelor’s degree in another subject area that are in need of the education methods courses to become a teacher.

“We developed the curricula so that students learn best practice based on latest educational research,” said Terese Parker, Education Programme Leader. “We have ensured that education methods courses include classroom experience enabling students to connect educational theory with authentic teaching and learning in the classroom. Students will also benefit from knowledgeable and experienced instructors who will work closely with them to ensure their success,” she added.

Mary Rodrigues, the Chief Officer in the Ministry of Education said the programmes provide opportunities for students to meet the requirements of the Cayman Islands National Professional Standards for Teachers. “The standards define the professional attributes, knowledge, understanding and skills expected of all teachers in the Cayman Islands Public Education System,” she stated in a release from the college.

Tara Rivers, Minister for Education, urged students interested in teaching to sign up for the UCCI programmes. “There will be opportunities for individuals enrolled to work along experienced teachers in schools and therefore gain first-hand practical experience. The UCCI education programmes are specifically designed to bring together theory with practice and to ensure that potential teachers receive the necessary preparation to be successful in our school,” she stated.

Part-time and evening classes are being offered to accommodate students who are working full-time jobs. For further information and to apply, please contact Terese Parker via email, [email protected], or call 623-0526.


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