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Tips on finding the best chimney cleaner for your home

It doesn’t take a genius to know that finding a service provider or a particular job is not entirely a difficult task. With so many providers to be found on the internet and on job pages, finding one is not the hard part, discerning which one can provide the best service is typically the most daunting task. Although intimidating it is not impossible to do, it simply requires knowing how to select one correctly. Here are a few tips for finding the best chimney cleaning done near you.

Interview the Chimney Cleaning Service

Just like any project that requires outsourcing workers, it is vital to spend time interviewing potential service providers. With so many options to choose from, it pays to get to know a company or individual who will be working in your personal space.

After all, it is your home that is being “invaded” by an unknown person or persons. Therefore, it is a necessity to check their credentials. Ask questions, do they have work experience? Are they a big or small company? Why are they in the business of cleaning smokestacks? These are just some of the questions that should be asked, the answers of which should put you at ease with the service that will be spending a lot of time in your abode.

Ask about insurance

No one wants a job to go wrong. No employer is hoping the employee would mess up. And no service provider wants to deal with the repercussions of a poorly done job or one that results to damages. With that said, accidents do happen and for a company to have insurance coverage in place saves both parties from the headache of having to figure out whose responsibility it is to get things back in order. Bear in mind that a company without any coverage leaves homeowners with the burden of shouldering the cost of any damages or injuries that occur during a scheduled chimney cleaning service.

Look for certification

Just like coverage for insurance claims, asking about a company’s certification or work documentation is standard practice. Any reputable business, big or small should have the necessary paperworks filed with the local governing body.

Certification ensures that they are a recognized agency and that they have passed the necessary requirements implemented in order to receive their certification. Besides looking into a business license, individual licensing or membership information of contractors are also ideal to be aware of. Check with your local to find out what type of professional expertise is needed from a chimney sweep.

Hire someone who can provide references

Any legitimate business should be able to provide potential clients with references. This should include names and numbers of past clients that can vouch for the work that they have provided. Foregoing phone calls is a bad idea, a couple of minutes on the phone with these references should provide the assurance you need. There is no reason for a chimney sweep service to be unable to provide any form of reference.


  1. It made sense to me when you suggested interviewing a chimney cleaning service to find out how experienced they are and to check if they have the right credentials to make you feel at ease. This is something that I will consider because I am planning to have our chimney cleaned tomorrow afternoon because the buildup of creosote puts our safety at risk. I want to only hire a reliable chimney cleaning expert that can provide me peace of mind that the job is going to be completed right the first time.


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