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Watch our latest webinar on Fairtrade

From Krysta Bisnauth, Freedom United

The question of whether Fairtrade works depends on what we want it to do. It’s a tool that farmers can use to receive fair wages and advocate for rights. The whole trade needs to change. Fairtrade is only a tool, not the solution.” 

— Stefan Donnelly, Fairtrade Foundation 

Did you catch our online event on Fairtrade and ethical consumption? On the margins for World Fair Trade Day, we got to the root of the Fairtrade model with expert speakers Juliane Bing, Stefan Donnelly and Adriana Valle. The topics covered the complexity of tracking modern supply chains, the efficacy of certification schemes and what is the difference between Fairtrade and Fair Trade?  You can watch the full event here.
Watch now

“Buying Fairtrade chocolate is better than not buying Fairtrade chocolate…But consumers should not bear the sole responsibility to ensure ethical supply chains. That is the role of government regulations and company regulations.” 

— Juliane Bing, INKOTA

We enjoyed a very lively discussion and brilliant questions from the community hailing from a range of places  from Jordan to Ireland to Côte d’Ivoire! By the end of the discussion, 12% of the audience had changed their minds about Fairtrade with 60% total believing that Fairtrade does indeed work. How about you? Share your comments and keep the dialogue going.

You can also take a deeper dive into the resources and topics mentioned during the event:

If you enjoyed the webinar and found the information helpful, please consider making a small donation to support the next event.

If you have any suggestions for future topics, send us an email!

“Fairtrade is more effective if you give organizations, especially famers and workers what they deserve.” — Adriana Valle, Fairtrade Producers Network for Latin America and the Caribbean 

Thank you so much for your support and have a fantastic rest of the week!

In solidarity,

Krysta and the team that supports the Freedom United community

Krysta Bisnauth
Advocacy Manager, Freedom United


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