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The Editor Speaks: Bush thinks being rude is Ok if it’s against the Crown

Colin WilsonwebOpposition leader McKeeva Bush must be one if not the rudest politician in the Caribbean and he is probably proud of that title.

There was outrage from many, many Caymanians at his comment to Cayman’s previous Governor who represents the Crown to “go and soak his buns”.

Not content with that disgusting piece of verbiage he now mentions HM The Queen in one of his tirades in the Legislative Assembly.

He was angry that the Progressives government were quite rightly asking for an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) before they gave the go ahead to Cleveland Dilbert’s marina application in Cayman Brac. See today’s iNews Cayman story under “iNews Briefs – Cayman opposition leader implies discrimination against marina proposal”.

And what could HM The Queen have to do with that?

You may well ask but if Bush can be rude against anything to do with the Mother Country he will. For some reason, he believes it makes him look “good”.

Quite frankly it makes him look the opposite.

Bush, after attacking the well respected and learned Director of the Environment, Gina Ebanks-Petrie, with ridiculous accusations that made my blood rise in temperature, he claimed the government would do everything asked of it by the United Kingdom including “digging out the Queen’s bottom”.

What an example to his countrymen. And he wonders where Cayman’s youth get their lack of respect to their elders, their teachers and even their parents?

Disgusting and shameful.

He might get a pat on the back from some ignorant and uneducated supporters of his but the vast majority is dismayed at his rudeness and total lack of respect.

In an article on the website Lifetickler the writer claims
“Respect for others is nearing extinction”.

He says:

“Lack of respect is indeed a problem that a majority of people seem not to mind, although it poses a serious dilemma on our values and character education. In fact, when we tolerate this disrespectful behavior, it can eventually lead to crime and violence. Clearly, our present society lacks the clear perception about respect.

“Our government and the governments of nations across the globe are seriously concerned about implementing laws to protect animal and plant species that are in danger of extinction. Apparently, animals and plants are not the only ones nearing extinction. It appears that essential human values may also be categorized as ‘endangered’ as well.

“To be kind and to show goodness to other people, that is just how we casually define the word respect. When you respect a person, it means that you will not make fun of him or her. You will consider if a person may feel offended by what you will say and do.”

Bush confesses to be a Christian but one can hardly tell.

“Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking. 1 Cor 13:5″

“Dr Sigman, a fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, said nursery-age children are becoming increasingly violent and disrespectful towards their teachers, ‘parent battering’ is on the rise and the number of policemen attacked by children is soaring.”

If you wish to read the whole article go to:

No Mr. Bush it is not OK to be rude against the Crown – it not OK to be rude at all, especially someone who represents the proud people of the Cayman Islands.


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