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The C4C Independents say they will not form a government with the UDP

Jude Scott_2013STATEMENT (received by iNews Cayman at 8:54am Wed May 15th)

From Jude Scott

In most western-style democracies such as Canada, Switzerland and the United  Kingdom, coalition governments are the reality. In fact prior to 2001, the Cayman Islands was led successfully by coalition governments before the introduction of a personality driven party system.

Unlike the party-led governments, coalitions foster independent thinking, broader representation for the people and require leaders to find compromise on opposing views while focusing on the single most important mandate for a Member of the Legislative Assembly, serving the people.

As independent candidates, our goal is to achieve a coalition government led by independent candidates.

We will not form a Cabinet with the United Democratic Party.

To those candidates of The Progressives (PPM) who have approached us and who are unhappy with their party’s leadership, we welcome the opportunity to work with you in a coalition-led government if you are elected and prepared to put the people of these Islands first.


Winston Connolly

Jacqueline Haynes

Roy McTaggart

Tara Rivers

Sharon Roulstone

Jude Scott

Mervin Smith


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