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Trinidadians protest crime-wave

BY AZAD ALI From Caribbean Life Hundreds of families of crime and other citizens gathered outside the Parliament building calling for the resignation of Trinidad and Tobago National Security Minister Edmund Dillion over the heinous and spiraling murders across the…

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Dr. Eric Williams: The Father of the Nation

BY NELSON A. KING From Caribbean Life Dr. Eric Eustace Williams (Sept. 25, 1911 – March 29 1981) served as the first Prime Minister of the twin-island republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Renowned as the “Father of the Nation,” Dr….

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Something very weird is happening on Saturn’s moon Titan

By Mike Wehner From BGR Thanks to the efforts of NASA and its incredibly reliable Cassini spacecraft, we now know more about Saturn and its moons than ever before, but it seems there are still some surprises in store for…

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Tobago council member undertakes protest swim

By Bert Wilkinson From Caribbean Life If it unclear whether he meant to embarrass the administration of Prime Minister Keith Rowley or to simply bring attention to the plight of people in Tobago but a council member from Tobago said…

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Trinidad & Tobago: PNM rallies around Ali [after nude photographs of him on YouTube]

By Clint Chan Tack FromT&T Newsday THE ruling People’s National Movement (PNM) yesterday demonstrated unwavering support for former government senator Hafeez Ali, who resigned from his post after being blackmailed by a woman from North America who posted nude videos…

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T&T: Lessons for Kamla

By Capil Bissoon From Caribbean News Now The UNC’s internal election is finished and the preliminary results show a major landslide for incumbent political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar. Figures show just how popular she remains within the party. The last preliminary…

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OUR CARIBBEAN: Finally, Rowley as T&T prime minister

By Rickey Singh From Barbados Nation News THE 65-year-old volcanologist,Dr Keith Rowley, who is now the new Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, succeeded in upstaging all the professional pollsters and organisations at Monday’s general elections when he accurately forecast…

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Police probe “racist” placards displayed during Trinidad anti-government march

From Caribbean360 PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad, CMC – Trinidad and Tobago police have launched an investigation into the presence of placards bearing racial slogans during a demonstration organised by the Joint Trade Union Movement (JTUM weekend [24/25 May]. Acting Superintendent Joanne Archie…

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Former Trinidad and Tobago president ANR Robinson dead at 87

From Caribbean360 PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad, Wednesday April 9, 2014, CMC – Former president Arthur Napoleon Raymond Robinson, who once told Trinidad and Tobago that he was committed “with everything I have or shall have to the future of this land,” has…

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No snap poll says new Trinidad & Tobago communications minister

From Caribbean360 Communication Minister Vasant Barath told reporters that the action by Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar to accept the resignation of Sharma and dismiss her other minister “showed courage and bravery necessary to put this country in a much better place.”…