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Stunning Moments 3

50 stunning moments captured by the award-winning Reuters photography team in 2017 Part 3 By Sarah Jacobs From Business Insider This year, 600 award-winning Reuters photojournalists worked across the world to document both major historic moments and the human stories…

SUN UK EXCLUSIVE – TERROR IN PARADISE Brit tourists warned over ISIS attacks on Trinidad & Tobago as Caribbean island becomes new breeding ground for jihadis

By Corey Charlton From The Sun UK The beautiful Caribbean islands – home to just 1.3 million people – have the highest rate of ISIS foreign recruitment in the Western hemisphere. FEARS are growing that the idyllic tourist destination of…

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We must decolonize the Caribbean

By Angel “Monxo” Lopez Santiago,  NACLA From Readers Supported News In the wake of Hurricanes Maria and Irma, the Caribbean must escape the trappings of modern-day colonialism and seek out its own kinds of sovereignties. aría and Irma, 2017’s two…

Sir Ronald Sanders: Caribbean bowed but far from beaten

By Sir Ronald Sanders From Anguilla News This week I was asked to provide an answer to a question posed by an influential Washington-based publication regarding the future of tourism in the Caribbean in the wake of the damage wreaked,…

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In Irma recovery, Caribbean Islands on unequal footing

BY GREG SCRUGGS From Americas Quarterly Storm devastation is partly a matter of chance. But the islands’ kaleidoscope of governing structures will affect how they rebuild. As Hurricane Irma blew through the Caribbean last week, it passed over a mishmash…

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Europe leaders answer anger over Irma response in Caribbean

AP From Daily Astorian France’s president is promising to rebuild stronger Caribbean territories amid anger over his response to Hurricane Irma. In a news conference Tuesday, he promised to evacuate those who want to leave and provide services and shelter…

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Anarchy in the Caribbean: Escaped prisoners, hundreds of looters terrorise hurricane-hit islands

From Kaieteur News … police from Britain and France are flown in to restore order (dailymailonline) Escaped prisoners and hundreds of looters armed with guns and knives are terrorising hurricane-hit islands amid anarchy in the Caribbean, it has emerged. Britain…

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Caribbean islands in chaos as slow Irma disaster response keeps thousands without food, water and power

BY GINGER ADAMS OTIS From New York Daily News Chaos still reigned in much of the storm-tossed Caribbean on Monday, as food and water shortages, power outages and rampant looting across several islands sparked angry criticism from residents who demanded…

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ST. MARTIN – Hurricane Irma wreaks major damage in Caribbean

From Caribbean News Service Hurricane Irma has caused major flooding and damage to buildings on several Caribbean islands, France says. The four “most solid” buildings on the island of Saint Martin have been destroyed, French Interior Minister Gérard Collomb announced….

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The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid

By Kehinde Andrews From The Guardian UK The west is built on racism; and not in some abstract or merely historical way. Genocide of over 80% of the natives of the Americas in the 15th and 16th centuries paved the…