
iLocal News Archives


CTT established a partnership with Stampsdaq to develop innovative projects in Philately

Start-up from Estonia 16 february 2023, CTT – Correios de Portugal established a partnership with Stampsdaq for the development of innovative projects in the Philately area. With this partnership, CTT and the Estonian start-up will work together to develop and implement new…

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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines breaks a record, as smallest ever Security Council seat holder

Saturday, June 8, 2019 — NEW YORK — Following a secret ballot held on Friday, the UN General Assembly elected five countries to the Security Council, including Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the smallest nation ever to secure a seat. Also elected…

Events iBusiness iCommunity iCrime iFinance iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Britain lets Putin move his dark money with impunity. That has to stop

By Oliver Bullough From The Guardian UK The Danske bank money-laundering scandal was only possible thanks to Britain’s opaque corporate laws Vladimir Putin’s global power is inseparable from his mastery of dark money, which he moves secretly to buy assets…

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The fDi Report 2018: European Inward FDI increases by 14%

Europe focus: Inward FDI increases by 14% in 2017 The fDi Report 2018 – our annual assessment of crossborder investment based on the fDi Markets service from the Financial Times – can reveal: FDI into Europe increased by 14% in…

Caribbean News Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iTech iWorld News News

Is Guyana on its way to becoming the Caribbean’s new technology hub?

From BID On June 8, 2018, a seed was planted in the soil of our lush green economy—this seed has the potential to transform Guyana into the leading estate of South America and the Caribbean. Exponential technologies and digital transformation…

Isle of Man: A real danger we will end up in blacklist

From IOMToday The island faces a very real danger of being blacklisted by Brussels, the Chief Minister admitted. Giving evidence to the economic policy review committee, Howard Quayle said his team were working hard to address a ’number of emerging…

Caribbean News iBusiness iCommunity iFinance iLocal News iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

e-Government for Cayman Islands

From eGA Summary Cayman Government has decided to take Estonian e-government model as an example in building its e-society and developing public e-services. During that project eGA acts as main contractor for all consultancy services on e-governance between Estonia and Cayman…

abandoned Soviet spaces

Eerie photos of abandoned Soviet spaces By Sarah Jacobs From Business Insider When Nikon approached photographer David de Rueda with the opportunity to help make his ultimate dream project come true, de Rueda knew he wanted to create something “post-apocalyptic…

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TeliaSonera and Ericsson go 5G

Ericsson and TeliaSonera will develop and test selected 5G use-cases and services based on TeliaSonera’s network and Ericsson 5G technology Aims at letting TeliaSonera customers in Stockholm and Tallinn experience 5G services already in 2018 Taps into both companies’ strengths…

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International e-Government experts visit Cayman Islands

As the Cayman Islands e-Government unit transitions from an information-gathering stage to strategic development, officials have organised a visit by a team of experts from a leading European jurisdiction. From 22nd-25th September 2015 four representatives from Estonia’s e-Governance Academy will…